Barbara Cabrita

Christophe Perrin, a renowned oyster farmer in Arcachon Bay, is the victim of a murder attempt. His three daughters rush to his bedside, where he lies wounded and unable to manage L'Héritage, the family oyster farm.

A mummified corpse has been found by workers who were knocking down a wall. Ariane Sallès and Gaspard Lesage are in charge of the investigation.


Sibylle, a young Parisian with long teeth, intends to shine in her new job by buying a hardware store in the Basque Country to set up a supermarket. She imagines that she has "rolled" the old owner but the latter is under curatorship. Sibylle must therefore deal with Ramon, the nephew, to recover his money and sign as soon as possible. Otherwise, the ejection seat is assured. She will soon realize that the Basques do not intend to let themselves be made by a Parisian, however pretty she is.


When a fit of anger leads to a serious injury, a sidelined soccer star returns to his hometown and reluctantly agrees to train the local youth.


Anna, a young single mother from a modest background, marries Guillaume, a brilliant surgeon from a well-known middle-class family in Marseille. She couldn't be happier. Then Guillaume's ex-wife's body is found and he becomes the prime suspect.


In the beautiful area of ​​Paris, Maria and José Ribeiro lived for almost thirty years on the ground floor of a Haussmann building, in their dear little lodge.


A 25 ans, Christophe et J-P galèrent joyeusement et sans amertume dans leur cité. Le travail dans un supermarché pour l'un et les petits boulots pour l'autre laissent leurs esprits libres de rêver aux filles : Malika, la soeur de J-P, et Maya, la cousine de Christophe. Amoureux sans scrupules et maladroits à loisirs, il leur faut déployer des trésors d'imagination pour attirer l'attention des deux filles qui ne songent qu'aux études, symbole de liberté et de fêtes. Pas complexés le moins du monde, et pas décidés non plus à paraître ce qu'ils ne sont pas, J-P et Christophe naviguent entre un braquage foireux dont ils sont les témoins incrédules, une représentation de théâtre dont ils sont les spectateurs interdits et un séjour à la campagne dont ils sont les otages perplexes. Et les filles dans tout ça ? Ils verront dès que les événements leur en laisseront le temps.
