Barbara Cavallari

Alina is married to Daniele, a famous conductor. While Daniele is away, she finds herself attracted to Bruno, a butcher. One day, Bruno left a message… “Tomorrow morning I’ll knock on your door. If you don’t want me, don’t be there.” Next morning Bruno keeps his word. The apartment door is ajar. He finds Alina on a sofa, pale, bathed in sweat, fearful and expectant. While Daniele conducts his final concert in Samarkand, Bruno and Alina make love in every way imaginable… and Alina will never be the same.


In this erotic thriller (Vittoria Bellevedere) is cast as the stereotypical evil woman who charms innocent men with her physical attractions and then destroys them like a praying mantis munching on her unfortunate mate, head first, just after their sexual union. Unlike the female mantis, this woman slowly ruins the life of the man she has seduced instead of finishing him off immediately - providing fodder for the film, and scenes reminiscent of Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct.
