Bárbara Fazio

Yet another Godfrey Ho-scripted / Joseph Lai-produced / IFD-distributed "cut-and-paste" job. This one takes much of its footage from the 1983 Brazilian movie Doce Delirio and adds new and unrelated martial arts footage shot by Phillip Ko.

Solano is often plagued by nightmares in which, during the Middle Ages, he is pursued by the hunter Faro, who intends to kill him. On discovering, in an antiquarian, a tapestry that represents a hunt and that reminds him of his dream, he tries to buy it, but the owner refuses to sell it.


A poor and beautiful young woman living in the backwoods of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is protected by a peasant.


An experimental adaptation of Hamlet to Brazil's rural areas.


Based on Erico Verissimo's masterpiece, O Sobrado follows the Terra-Cambará family during the siege imposed to their house by enemies due to political differences. As the siege goes, the family tensions start to show off.
