Barney Furey

In the 1840s, Ramsey MacKay, the driver for the struggling Wells Fargo mail and freight company, will secure an important contract if he delivers fresh oysters to Buffalo from New York City. When he rescues Justine Pryor and her mother, who are stranded in a broken wagon on his route, he doesn't let them slow him down and gives the ladies an exhilirating ride into Buffalo. He arrives in time to obtain the contract and is then sent by company president Henry Wells to St. Louis to establish a branch office.


After he's accused of a series of stagecoach robberies, an innocent man has to find the real crooks.


Hank Davis kills Jack Lewis to get his gold mine. Bruce Conway brings him in but then realizes Davis is the only one that knows where the mine is. Bruce and his pal Whitey rescue Davis from the lynch mob only to have Davis' gang catch them and leave them in the desert to die.


Kit Cardigan seeks the killer of his father...among other plot threads leading up to the famous historical incident.


Three cowboys buy a ranch but have to fight off gunmen to keep it.


Clay Tallant comes to Silver City, Arizona in the 1880s and encounters wide-spread lawlessness and disorder, unscrupulous politicians, outlaws galore and brow-beaten citizens. He accepts the position of town marshal and, with his brother and a reformed outlaw , Tex Randolph, who comes over to his side, sets out to bring law-and-order where none exists. He also wins the hand of the singer appearing at the Opera House.


Northwest Mounted Police Corporal Jerry Hale is assigned to take over the district of a fellow-officer, and is puzzled as he had worked this district before and had been mysteriously transferred, disrupting his romance with Helen Brent, the niece of Peter Barkley, the Factor at the trading post. An accountant of the company Berkley works for threatens to expose him when his account is found $10,000 short. Barkley pleads for more time to raise the money. His opportunity arises when he learns that Helen's father and his brother-in-law, Nathan Brent, has struck it rich and is on his way to visit Helen. Barkley instructs his henchmen Carney and Breen to lie in wait and rob Brent of his gold. Brent has a premonition of trouble and buries his gold, making a map of the location. Barkley is disturbed by the arrival of Corporal Hale and goes to warn his men, and finds them already engaged in the attack on Brent. Brent's dog Wolfgang (played by a dog named Rex, or maybe the other way around)...


The man Bannister has sent to investigate the trouble at his mine has disappeared. This time his son Bob goes, quickly learning that Kincade is the culprit. Kincade has been taking gold from the mine and now plans to kidnap Teresa and skip across the border.


Desperados menace a mining operation.


A young couple, soon to wed, begin building their dreamhouse, but their interfering relatives cause no end of trouble. Comedy.


Leary is using the Express Agent's liking for alcohol to enable his men to steal insured packages. Then he claims the insurance. Railroad Agent Hartley is sent to investigate and suspecting Leary, he and the Sheriff plan to trap them the next time they try their scheme.


Bobby Martin, a young middleweight champion boxer, is an honest and decent fighter. However, a dishonest but beautiful woman uses every trick to ensnare him.


Silent cowboy western starring Tom Mix, Bernard Bolden, Dorothy Dwan, Barney Furey, Albert J. Smith, and Ernest Wilson. Also, note that this is a "lost" film, which means that no surviving copies are thought to exist.


Tom Mix starred in this late-silent Wild West melodrama from poverty row company FBO as a ranch foreman assigned to escort his employer's daughter (Kathryn McGuire) from the big city back to the ranch. The girl, Ellen, is carrying the valuable Regent diamond, and the pair become the target of a gang of thieves led, it turns out, by Ellen's former fiancée Rodney (Ernest Hilliard).

Silent romantic Western

Captain Careless is a 1928 film

Jack Pemberton, a cub reporter falls in love with Betty (Mary Mayberry), the governor's daughter. During an investigation into racketeering, Jack learns that gangster Velvet is attempting to kidnap Betty in order to force her father to pardon a relative on death row.

silent western

The Thunderbolt Strikes

Hearing his brother the Express Clerk is in trouble, Bob Williams rides to the Express Office only to find the safe open, his brother and the money missing, and himself accused of the robbery. To clear himself he trails and finds the outlaws engaging them in a fight. But during the melee, the gang leader double-crosses his men and sneaks away with the money and Bob now has to catch him.


The Sunshine Trail film

Youth meets Ambition and leaves Love, his mother, and his small-town roots for the big city. There, in his search for Experience, he meets Pleasure and hangs out at the Primrose Path with the likes of Temptation and Intoxication. Back home, Youth's mother dies, and Love tries unsuccessfully to reach him. When Youth's money runs out his newfound friends all leave him and he sinks into a life of drug addiction, aided by Habit.


A priest hears a murderer's confession but can't reveal the truth, even though his brother is being tried for the crime.


Silent Western movie..

True Blue begins with the marriage of black-sheep British nobleman Gilbert Brockhurst to the daughter of a Western rancher. When he learns that he has inherited his father's title and estate, Brockhurst deserts his wife and young son Bob. Upon attaining adulthood, Bob becomes the boss of his grandfather's ranch.

Conchita Cordova sings in the cathedral choir in her village of San Miguelito near the Rio Grande. Millionaire oil man John Rannie, whose oil fields have displaced the peasants, desires Conchita, and when he learns that her fiance, Juan Mendoza, has been employed by Adolf Wylie, a German spy, Rannie threatens to expose Juan unless Conchita gives herself to him.

Impending trouble with the sheep herders, who are encroaching on his range, causes Ace Brent, owner of vast California interests, to warn his daughter Barbara to postpone her visit to the ranch. But Barbara is made of sterner stuff, and, following a heated discussion with her admirer, John Wallace, over woman's equality with man in the business world, she declares she will disregard the warning telegram and be at her father's side should trouble come.

A deputy marshal rounds up the bad guys and gets the girl

A rancher moves to the city, and finds competition for the affections of an heiress in the form of a doppelganger. A complete copy exists at the Library of Congress.

"Sidewinder Steve" returns to civilization to find that his ore specimens show he has discovered a turquoise mine. He wires his friend, Ace Brent, the capitalist, who has a half-interest in his discoveries, to furnish him with money to make the trip back across the desert to officially stake his claim. But "Lonney" Smith, telegraph operator at the town and secret spy for The Syndicate, Brent's rivals, informs his employers of the new "strike," and they dispatch their agent Meyers to thwart Brent. The latter, recovering from injuries received in a previous encounter with sheep herders, consents to allow Barbara to handle the affair. Her admirer, John Wallace, follows her to the desert town, fearing for her safety. The action then develops into a thrilling three-cornered race across the desert between Barbara and John, Lonney and Meyers, and a gang of local adventurers headed by "Dry Wash" Sexton, proprietor of the "saloon and hotel."

At the assay office in town, Jim Bevins turned his gold into dollars, then sat into a game because he felt lucky, and broke the gambler. On the way home two observers of his luck held him up. Badly wounded, he contrived to reach the mine and died in his partner's arms. Dick Smith found the gambler's I.O.U. in his pocket

Two road agents hold up the stagecoach and rob the passengers. In making their getaway, one of the road agents is shot by the stage driver. They stop at a lonely cabin, where a miner's widow lives with her little daughter, and ask for aid.

Hard pressed for money, the broker has appropriated funds of the firm, and dreads his partner's discovery of the deed. He tries in vain to borrow money, and determines to end his life after writing a confession. In the act of placing a pistol to his head, he is interrupted by a message informing him that oil has been discovered in the vicinity of his land

John Gage loves Ruth West, but she marries his friend, Charles Grey. The young couple are apparently happy; a child is born to them. Suddenly Ruth discovers that her husband has been systematically robbing his employer. Threatened with imprisonment unless he refunds the money he has stolen, Grey is at his wits' end.

Over Bentley's shoulder, the crook read the lawyer's letter telling the young man of his inheritance. He immediately wired his pals. When Bentley arrived the girl scraped his acquaintance by the simple means of losing her bag, and decoyed him to the crooks' rendezvous, where he was overpowered, bound and gagged