Barry Rosen

Police Academy: The Series is a syndicated 1997 television series spin-off from the Police Academy series of films. Michael Winslow was the only actor from the Police Academy films to have a recurring role on the show, although several of the film's cast made occasional guest appearances. The series was written by Paul Maslansky and produced by James Margellos and Gary M. Goodman. Music by Ari Wise and Jim Guttridge


After the 1860s Wild West, a group of misfit settlers - including ex-doctor Phil Taylor, prostitute Belle, and homosexual bookseller Julian - decide they cannot live in their current situation in the west. They hire a grizzled alcoholic wagon master by the name of James Harlow to take them on a journey back to their hometowns in the East.


Based on a true story, a serial killer abducts his latest victim from a mall and assaults her. Confused by her atypical reaction, he doesn't kill her, but instead takes her along as he continues on his killing spree. Meanwhile, the authorities debate whether she's a victim or a willing participant.


Hamilton plays a young Russian girl recruited to be a sex spy, seducing men and catching them in compromising situations so they can be blackmailed. The problems start when she falls in love with one of her targets, and must figure out how to avoid the constant surveillance and defect.


The Maida family has moved to Oregon, and daughter Tami wants to play quarterback for the high school football team. There's just one problem. She's a girl. With everyone from the coach to her next door neighbor against her, she's out to prove that not only can she can play football, but she can win the state championship. (Based on a true story)


Warhawk Tanzania plays Luke Curtis who along with his friend Rodan (Wilfredo Roldan) takes a break from the city streets to train in kung fu in China. Whilst there, Rodan steals an ancient amulet which prevents an evil spirit from leaving his tomb. The evil spirit, now free, possesses somebody and follows the pair back to New York City, where it lurks in the subways killing and mutilating its victims. Can kung fu master Luke Curtis right Rodan's wrong and put a stop to the killings?


A young woman goes to New York in order to work as model but in the big city she finds a world she did not expect.
