Bartosz Kurowski

Marek Oporny, who is a police analyst, is transferred to the police station in Czerniaków as a punishment. His new colleagues are not favorable to him. Marek will have to get along with new colleagues. "Criminal old stagers”: Kosa, Sikorek and his commissioner partner Zuza Szarek.


Film ten ukazuje kilka dni z życia trojga młodych mieszkańców jednego ze śląskich miast. Marta planuje ślub, Robert żyje sobotnim meczem ukochanego klubu, a Bartek właśnie kończy studia. Ich życie jest uporządkowane i przewidywalne. Każdemu z bohaterów przydarzy się jednak coś, co każe mu poważnie się zastanowić nad dotychczasowym sposobem myślenia o sobie i swojej przyszłości.


"Inferno" is a story about classmates from school: Anka, Inga and Xena. During the prom, two girls murder a third - considered the most beautiful of them. The film is based on real events. The creators are trying to find answers to the questions: what was the cause of the evil that appeared in the girls? Was it stuck in their interiors, or did it appear from the outside world, from the chaos of everyday life? Who was at fault? It is a story about desires, plans for the future, fears and attempts to find a place in the world.
