Beatrice Van

Andy is a rich and well-respected man. But he's concerned what sort of boyfriend his daughter might have gotten as she's talking marriage and her previous boyfriends were very short-term and he didn't like them very much. So, when he learns where this boyfriend works, he goes undercover as a porter there to spy on him. Unfortunately, he ends up befriending the wrong folks and thinks the boyfriend is a crook...when it's really these new 'friends' who are jewel thieves.

The heirs to a family fortune are required to attend a seance at the spooky old family mansion. However, throughout the night members of the family are being killed off one by one.


Desperate for cash, three friends take a job running a run-down night club.


Take 'em and Shake 'em is a 1931 Comedy short.

A bible publisher is falling in love with a chorus girl and finds himself backing a Broadway show.


Freddie, a rich young idler, meets Julia Harrington, a wealthy social service worker who runs a haven for reformed criminals. By telling her he is a hardened criminal, he is allowed to stay at the mission.

Silent military comedy whose only print exists in the Library of Congress.

Sally Williams (Betty Bronson) marries Donald Moore (Richard Walling) and have trials and tribulations and input from others but they demonstrate that the most successful marriages are usually based on trust and respect, rather than on sex alone. Released in the UK under the title of "The Jazz Bride".

Sinner's Parade is a 1928 American silent crime film directed by John G. Adolfi and starring Victor Varconi, Dorothy Revier, and John Patrick. It is not known whether this film survives. The film's sets were designed by the art director Harrison Wiley.

The handsome Dr. John Waller specializes in the ailments of women, or more specifically, wealthy widows.


When Ellen Linden comes back home from finishing school, she finds out that her wealthy father has lost all his money. She must get a job to help support the family, and goes to work as a secretary in the brokerage firm of Phillips and Rand. Both partners find themselves attracted to her, but each has a different approach: Phillipls takes the rough, aggressive route and Rand does the opposite, complimenting and flattering her at every opportunity. However, she falls in love with Tom Galloway, a young inventor who has come up with a new type of soft drink, "Here's How". in which Ellen attempts to interest the brokers. Phillips, however, doesn't take rejection lightly and schemes to break up Ellen and Galloway using his unwitting partner.

Roxbury asks his friend Terry to assume his identity and go on vacation with his wife, Edith, and their daughter. When Terry falls in love with Edith's sister, a scandal erupts at the resort.

Al Santell silent sports boxing comedy series starring George O'Hara, and all star cast: Kit Guard, Al Cooke, Clara Horton, Mabel Van Buren, and Clark Gable (in one of his 14 uncredited roles prior to making his real debut in 1931's "The Painted Desert"). Note that this was one of a series of boxing films with the same characters, and each new film in the series was called a "round" (appropriate for a series of boxing movies!), but these movies were not serials, just connected by having the same characters. This card is the 3rd round, "Six Second Smith".

Al Santell silent sports boxing comedy series starring George O'Hara, and all star cast: Kit Guard, Al Cooke, Clara Horton, Mabel Van Buren, and Clark Gable (in one of his 14 uncredited roles prior to making his real debut in 1931's "The Painted Desert"). Note that this was one of a series of boxing films with the same characters, and each new film in the series was called a "round" (appropriate for a series of boxing movies!), but these movies were not serials, just connected by having the same characters. This card is the 4th round, "Two Sones with One Bird".

Crashin' Thru is a silent Western

Al Santell silent sports boxing comedy series starring George O'Hara, and all star cast: Kit Guard, Al Cooke, Clara Horton, Mabel Van Buren, and Clark Gable (in one of his 14 uncredited roles prior to making his real debut in 1931's "The Painted Desert"). Note that this was one of a series of boxing films with the same characters, and each new film in the series was called a "round" (appropriate for a series of boxing movies!), but these movies were not serials, just connected by having the same characters. This card is from the second series, 11th round, "Beauty and the Feast".

A nurse falls for a impoverished and recently blinded novelist. The George Eastman Museum has a complete copy.

Good Night, Paul (1918)

A 1917 film directed by Tod Browning & Wilfred Lucas.

While waiting in a hotel lobby for instructions from his government, Ludwig Schumann, an agent of the Black Legion, is enchanted by Marion Washburn, the daughter of a Texas senator. As he is about to speak to the girl, Schumann is stunned to see a young American enter who could be his double. The American is James Walbert, whom Schumann's contact mistakes for the agent. The contact passes to Walbert a photograph of a woman spy, Wanda Bartell, whom the agent is to meet aboard a steamer. Walbert realizes the mistake and determines to protect his country.

Young Jackie Kernwood, the daughter of the colonel commanding an army post, is bored with the routines of post life, and to break the monotony she organizes a girls' brigade, of which her father disapproves. When the colonel forces her to disband the group, she makes up her mind to run away and become a nurse in the Red Cross. Before she can do that, however, she stumbles across evidence of a spy ring headed by an officer on the post that is plotting to blow up a troop train--and it looks like the chief spy is her boyfriend, Lt. Adair.

A group of jealous men conspire to defeat a romantic rival who has captured the attention of all of the ladies at a summer hotel. (Note: The majority of this film is considered lost. Only a fragment survives.)


Willy is a rather effeminate young man, and is abused by the town bully. He suspects that the bully is a coward at heart, so disguises himself as a bandit and shoots up the town.


Henry is a big, fat country boy with three passions. He likes eggs, milk and girls. He steals the eggs from the nests, sucks their contents, and refills the shells with water. When the family sit down to breakfast and the shells are broken the crime is discovered and Farmer Jones places a big bear trap, covered with straw, in front of the nests.

The professor does not approve of his daughter's suitor. His disapproval is so marked that it is finally noticed by said swain, Tim Brown, when he is kicked out of the house by the father of his lady love, and he resolves to be careful in the future and not be subjected to further indignities.

This early Keystone has Pete spying on his neighbor's wife through one of those little knotholes in a fence. The neighbor (Sterling) notices and chases him all over town with sheriff and family close behind. Fatty Arbuckle plays the peeper's wife(!).
