Beatriz Adriana

A young woman is exploited by a series of men over the course of her life and ends up leading a battalion in the Mexican Revolution.


A man has his tongue cut out by bad guys, later tracks them all down, and kills them one by one.

Behind the scenes at a popular TV variety show, highly fictionalized.


A dumped boyfriend uses his money and social position to ruin the lives of his ex and her new husband. Also some crime stuff.


Comical adventures of two truckers.


A couple is attacked bu thugs and the woman is killed, the boyfriend plans his revenge.


Domestic melodrama about infidelity set against an illegal immigration/"making a better life" background.


Ranchera love triangle resolved with violence.

Man butts heads with the leader of an agribusiness price-fixing cartel, then his daughter falls in love with that guy's son.

Power-struggles between gangsters over ownership/control of a strip club.


Two half-brothers are spiky and resentful toward each other, but they find common cause together when their father is murdered.

Felipe goes home for a holiday and discovers that everything in town has changed in his absence; old don So-and-so is running around forcing people to sell their farms to him and killing them if they refuse.

An innocent man (Gerardo Reyes) is accused of being involved in the disappearance of the daughter of a local landowner. Since I was dating the missing woman, I Becomes the prime suspect and must follow clues to find out what really happened to her. Since I was going out with the missing woman, becomes the prime suspect and must follow the clues to find out what really happened to her.


The arrival of a new school-teacher to a small town triggers various large and small upheavals, including the Police Chief's total meltdown into raging psychosis.
