Becky Boxer

Stars a diverse team of kids with superpowers who are training with their equally gifted dogs at the SMASH camp.

FIVE MEN - FIVE SHATTERED LIVES: JIMMY struggles with his girlfriend, Dina, when she runs away, half naked, in the middle of night, accusing him of molesting her. DENNIS, desperate and unhappy in his marriage, has an ill-timed affair with his daughter's 17 year old babysitter. JORDAN splits from his partner, Steve, only to discover he may not be the biological father of their daughter. HARRY, angered over his estranged relationship with his father and his ex-wife, loses it and abuses his girlfriend sadistically. BEN, after losing custody of his son because he viciously attacked his ex-wife's boyfriend in front of him, takes the law into his own hands and kidnaps his son. All five stories intersect as each man tries to salvage what is left of his life.


Four hot chicks in a punk rock band, while on tour, get lost in the wilds of Wisconsin. There's a guy out there with a very serious foot fetish. He likes to collect them like baseball cards. It's a rock and roll horror adventure with a little bit of comedy mixed in


A prestigious senator and the passengers on board a train are kidnapped by a militia group.
