Ben Dai

Junker Queen's origins and her rise to the throne of Junkertown in an epic clash between mecha and magnetic effects.

When Null Sector attacks, Winston assembles a small strike team to fend off the invasion. But as hope begins to fade, the team must stand together to overcome the odds.

Reinhardt learns what it truly means to be a crusader.

Mei wakes up years from a Deep Freeze Sleep to find that Overwatch has been disbanded, the world is completely different than the one she use to know. Mei is the last surviving scientist at Ecopoint: Antarctica. With limited resources and time, Mei must use science to figure out a way to get help to Survive.

The history of conflict between the scions of the Shimada clan (Hanzo and Genji) is long and backs many era ago. It turned unexpectedly when Hanzo returns to the siblings' family home in Hanamura to seek redemption. And There suddenly he confronts a stranger, the ghosts of the past.

"Recall" tells the story of Winston—a genetically engineered gorilla and brilliant scientist who longs for the days of heroism to return. In this episode, we explore Winston's thoughts and memories as he wrestles with the decision to recall the agents of Overwatch, all while the forces of Talon stage an attack on his laboratory in the abandoned Watchpoint: Gibraltar.

The Last Bastion tells the origin story of the inquisitive transforming robot, Bastion. We follow the forgotten battle automaton as it unexpectedly reactivates after laying dormant in the wilderness for over a decade. Fascinated by its unfamiliar surroundings, the curious omnic begins to investigate, but quickly discovers its core combat programming may have a different directive...
