Ben-Ryan Davies

The Midlands, 1984. Two young lads are about to learn what it is to be a miner, to be accepted into the close camaraderie and initiated into a unique workplace where sweat, toil, collapsing roofs and explosions are all to be met with bawdy humour. London, 1984. A conflicted Tory MP, a brash American CEO and an eccentric maverick are the face of a radical Conservative government preparing to do battle with the most powerful workforce, the miners. As the two sides clash, the miners fight for their livelihoods and families, and the government for its vision of a free Britain. Together they change the fabric of the nation forever.

From There To Here is set in the aftermath of the 1996 Arndale bombing and follows Daniel Cotton, a Manchester family man who is torn between the life he wants and the life he could have.


A group of night security guards working at the fictional Whittington shopping centre in Greater Manchester must create an elaborate scheme to hide a robbery that has taken place on their watch.

It's the morning after the biggest party of the summer - the animal fancy dress party up at the big house and the aftermath is strewn all over town. Kids, still in their costumes, finally making their way home. Benny wakes up in the back of a car in a deserted car park high up in the hills, as the sun rises. He remembers the drugs, the drink, the dancing and Aaron's stupid Zebra suit. How could they both be wearing the same costume? But there's something else? Something to do with Unicorns, kissing, Lions and cupboards.


Comedy drama about a girl with a magical cookbook. It feels to Lulu as if her life cannot get any worse, when a visitor takes her on a magical adventure.


Adaptation of the book by David Almond, set in 1960s Tyneside. Two 14-year-old boys team up against Mouldy, the town bully. Turning Crazy Mary s garden shed into a workshop, they discover that the sculptures they create come to life. Together they raise a golem, a creature fashioned from clay, capable of dispatching anyone, even Martin Mould. But when Mouldy winds up dead, the boys have to deal with the awful power they may have unleashed and the perils of getting what you wish for.
