Ben Shelton

Dueling high school debate champs who are at odds on just about everything forge ahead with ambitious plans to get into the colleges of their dreams.


A man known as The Messenger is employed delivering envelopes that hold life-altering information for their recipients.

Ben is about to turn 30 and on his way to what everyone else tells him is a great life. He’s been with his girlfriend Amy for 6 years and is about to propose, and looks to be in line to take over her father’s practice. But a chance meeting with a mysterious and beautiful woman named Nadia changes everything, as Ben and Nadia begin to connect when they fall asleep, going on journeys through their memories together. As they begin to realize they’ve been meeting in their dreams since they were children, Ben must choose between the perfect life on paper, or the girl of his dreams.


A small theater company will do anything to not go bankrupt.


A love story told in notes
