Benjamin Wangermee

Robert d'Eglantine invites five of his friends to spend a week-end in his castle, lost in the woods. He explains to them that he studied secret documents on nazi scientific research during World War II. These researches were on time travelling and he's now able to take his guests into an amazing trip seventy years back in time, in 1944, during the Occupation and only a few weeks before the landing in Normandy. The demonstration seems to be a big joke but once in the past our characters will be facing troubling events. Real time travel or devilish game meticulously crafted?


Male nurse in a psychiatric hospital, Joachim, twenty, is on the point of leaving work to celebrate New Year`s Eve with his family. His patients, have decided to celebrate the passage of the New Year joyfully, and are not ready to let him leave. The night will be comical for Joachim, very quickly exeeded by the events. But madness is not always where one may think.


Eva is a Jewish literature teacher at a high school in Bordeaux, France, after the Second World War. During the war her whole family was sent to the German extermination camps by French collaborators. Eva survived by chance. Then by chance a new girl enters her class, a girl who resembles Eva's dead daughter...
