Benoît Allemane

The pride of Napoleon's victories, the Arc de Triomphe, whose first stone was laid in 1806 at the top of the Champs-Élysées, is, along with the Eiffel Tower, one of the most visited monuments in the French capital. Wanted by an emperor, inaugurated under the reign of a king (Louis-Philippe) and sanctuarized by the Republic, this patriotic temple polarizes the passions of a whole nation. A historical portrait before "packaging", which teems with anecdotes and unsuspected details.

When Élodie goes to visit Lucien, her grandfather, now living in an old people's home, she asks him one specific question: why had he abused her, thirty-one years ago? Quand Élodie rend visite à Lucien, son grand-père, pensionnaire d'une maison de retraite, elle lui pose une question très précise : pourquoi l'a-t-il abusée, il y a trente et un ans ?

In an American freakshow, a louse living inside the beard of a bearded woman falls in love with a flea living on a dog's fur. Their conflicting environments will put their love through the mill.

Two aliens transcended by human music decide to come on earth to find out about its creator.

In ancient China, a little dragon who can't breath fire will fight to overcome his weakness in order to take part in the New Year's celebration.


Two astronauts attempt to plant their flag on a newly discovered planet. But first, they need to get rid of some pesky aliens whose business there is unknown.


Wolfgang the Inquisitor found a heretic touched by an evil disease "The Scourge". This heretic named "The Priest" is none other than his mentor and friend. Wolfgang will have to choose between his feelings and his duty to protect humanity.

Four ogres meet in a restaurant, run by trolls, where they are accustomed to having a feast.

This short tells the story of 4 wounded soldiers recovering In a hospital room, and only one of them can see out a near window as he describes to the others what is happening outside.

A young boy named Nicholas is about to become the next Santa Claus, but must first avoid a crisis that's threatening the magic of Christmas before he can succeed in his new role.


On a beautiful summer day, Virginie joins her lover, Alexandre, wanted by the gendarmes and who is hiding in a ruined mill. No sooner had they had time to enjoy their reunion when a dark raven came to rest on the wings of the windmill, triggered a sinister mechanism. Day gives way to night, the flowery hill to an impenetrable forest of brambles. The worrying occupant of the premises then emerges from the darkness: the miller. The hunt can begin ... and the fairy tale turns black.

Bunny Tonic (now renamed Quoi de Neuf Bunny, translated as What's up Bunny) is a French cartoon anthology series that airs on Sunday mornings on France 3, in association with Warner Bros France. Each episode contains three theatrical Looney Tunes cartoons and an animated direct-to-video Scooby-Doo film with new linking sequences created by removing all the dialogue from existing Warner Brothers' movie or television show, and replacing it with an entirely new recording, the scenes being reedited to fit the fictional studio setting of the show.

An old shaman was telling a story to 3 young children. Ages ago, some human beings had big troubles because the sky was too low. Birds could not fly and men were bended. One day, small children decided to change things and attempted to raise the sky with stocks.


Prince Charming was supposed to live long and happily with Snow White after kissing her back to life. However the jealous 'good' fairy decides that she and the prince were meant to be, only the start of a whole series of perversions of various fairy tale characters' traditional good nature.


A doctor and a madman confront their views on the world. Who will finally have the right to be right?

Mummy Nanny is a French-German television series. It follows the story of Nile, an Egyptian mummy who is awoken from her sleep after thousands of years and is hired as a nanny for Capucine and Alex's family.


Argai: The Prophecy is a 2000 French animated series directed by Jean-César Suchorski and written by Sébastien Dorsey.


The legend of the Three oriental kings. Melchior, a hereditary prince of a small kingdom in Northern Persia and accompanied by his friends and mentors Gaspar and Balthazar, sets off on a long journey of initiation that will confront them with their destiny.

Veronique, living with her divorced mother, is going on holiday to Mauritius with her father. To impress a local boy, Benjamin, she manages to complicate the situation by making up stories about her father. She presents him as her lover, a mercenary and even a secret agent which gets her into trouble and then her father has to start playing along...


The second sequel to "Ubu roi" (1965).

In 1898, strange things happen in a castle not far from the small village of Werst in the Carpathian mountains of Transylvania. Twenty years earlier, the castle had been abandoned due to some nefarious dealings there but a shepherd sees smoke coming out of the chimney, which stirs up the village with whispers Chort (a demon) is now occupying the place. Count Franz de Télek, a visitor to the area, becomes intrigued by all this turmoil and decides to investigate. Made for French television and based on the 1892 Jules Verne novel of the same name.

Middle-aged businessman, Simon Léotard finds his future in jeopardy when his partner Julien commits suicide after having accumulated a mass of debts. Simon's unscrupulous business rival Lépidon offers to save him from bankruptcy by buying his company, at a discount rate. Reluctant to fall into Lépidon's trap, Simon decides to resolve the crisis himself. A prostitute, Mado, provides him with the solution to his problems...


Father Ubu, grotesque king and symbol of the tyranny of power in Ubu king, decides to become a slave to acquire real power. This is the first sequel to "Ubu roi" (1965) directed by Averty.

A television adaptation of William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.


How do you define dubbing? What characterizes this field? These actors with golden voices have marked several generations of audiences, in movies, on TV, and even on the Internet. 10 of them have generously accepted to talk about their job as actors specialized in dubbing, their experiences, but also their different points of view.