Bernie Diamond

Since she was a small girl, Jane Panting has heard miraculous stories from her mother, Elizabeth -- stories of temporal salvation that her young family experienced as they voyaged from Gloucester, England, to the Salt Lake Valley. She heard about the blessing Wilford Woodruff gave her mother, promising that she and her children would reach their destination and experience the Lord's providential hand on more than one occasion. But Jane was only an infant when they made their harrowing journey and is beginning to doubt her mother's fantastic stories -- until she receives a miracle of her own.

When a teenager receives a mysterious letter in the mail, she sets out to find the author. It's a journey that will change her life forever.


Elder Johnson (Darin Southam) is a hard working, by-the-book missionary who is near the end of his service but has yet to see any fruit from his labors. His companion, the laid-back elder Sarath (Charan Prabhakar), has had lots of baptisms, even though obedience isn't his strongest attribute. A chance discovery of an old journal leads the Elders (and the other missionaries in the area) on a treasure hunt. Relying on each others strengths, they strive to solve the clues, which lead them to an unexpected reward!
