Berta Muñiz

In 1997, 17-year-old suburban Buenos Aires filmmakers Pablo Parés and Hernan Sáez pooled $450 to co-write/produce/direct and star in a shot-on-VHS zombie epic of such flesh-ripping, gore-spewing greatness that it instantly drew global cult acclaim and redefined the possibilities of extreme DIY horror. Over the next 20 years, Parés, Sáez and their friends would create two increasingly ambitious – and equally brilliant – viscera-soaked sequels (and several short films) that made them “Argentinian George Romeros who’ve built a small empire of gore flicks”

Argentina, the year 2022. Second Falklands war. After 2 years of the wildest fight, the British gradually destroy the troops of the Argentine Army and intend to exterminate the enemy in the Islands. An Argentine soldier (Vic Cicuta) trained in the art of Ninjutsu, will intervene the monstrous plan risking his life and that of all those around him. "Death does not recognize ranks, this is Malvinas, this is war."


Angel is one of those typical macho’s who does not hold women in high regard. With his fancy talk, his tight suit and his fashionable job as a director of publicity spots, he has ample opportunity to grab as many young aspiring actresses by the pussy as he can. His wife and kid are left to deal with the consequences. This is now drastically coming to an end. One night, when there’s once again not enough blood flowing through his brains and too much through his nether regions, he walks into a trap set up by a circle of Celtic Goddesses. They transform him into a zombie and make him a pawn in their plan to end male dominance one and for all. Luckily Angel’s not alone. He’s part of a brotherhood of undead macho’s. They do not only exchange tips in how to mask their increasingly penetrating body odor, they also come up with a plan to sabotage the Goddesses.


In a town of Argentina, "the country of barbecues", people linked to the cattle industry start to disappear. A journalist start to research; soon she'll find out a dark secret.


Two young friends discover a dream recording machine and start making money out of it. Meanwhile, a man discovers that the screenwriter of his life is dead, and therefore, nothing is going on in his life.


A woman hesitantly rents an apartment to an eerie man who she soon realizes has a part in the solar eclipse that is taking place.


An invasion alien threatens the fate of humanity and begins in a village where there are Bill Johnson, John West and Max Giggs. The friends escape from there with the purpose of finding and destroying the invading ship before it completes its evil plan of conquest.


Many years ago, a massacre stained the peaceful plains of Cascallares, a place lost in the depth of Buenos Aires.


In a popular auction that matches the sinister and colorful of a circus of phenomena, a couple adopts children in exchange for their belongings. The children there acquired, usually mutilated, are in their new home in order to prepare for access to the Peronist education program taught in only 10 state institutes.


Damián is the neighbor of Viloni, the most popular wrestler of 100 % Lucha. He has always hated Viloni for his popularity. That's why, taking advantage of his bio-technical knowledge, he creates lots of clones who look exactly like the wrestlers of 100 % Lucha (including Viloni). Viloni will be forced to ally with his enemies on 100 % Lucha to stop the evil doctor.


Santos, a failed comic book artist, lives in a parallel universe where he's a superhero who has to save the world.


Nerdy comic book aficionado Roberto Rodriguez battles low self-esteem, loser friends and vicious high school bullies as he vies for the heart of Cristina, the hot new girl from Madrid.


A small town is the subject of some experiment with aliens where they were allowed to test some earth folks with some kind of disease, but of course it spread with disastrous results. And now, three oddballs have been dumped into the middle of this town as test subjects or something, and the race for survival is on. John West is a strongman, with a cowboy hat and leopard skin tights, Bill is a medical student, and Max is a mathematical genius, and it's them against the zombies.


The story of a retired general and his son face to face with six crazy teenagers.


A group of people must fight for their lives when a bizarre epidemic starts a zombie invasion.


In 1997 an Alien race attempted an invasion in a small city of Argentina by fertilizing the human population turning them into blood thirsty zombies. The plan almost worked until 3 unlikely heroes emerged, battling back the zombies, and ultimately destroying the Alien mother ship. Now, 16 years later, the Aliens are back to their old tricks. Their target this time around is America. The city of New Bedford, Massachusetts is quickly overrun by the alien zombie infestation. To contain the outbreak the American government detaches the city at it's fault line, setting it adrift into the Atlantic Ocean. Amazingly, 4 new heroes emerge and must not only battle through the hordes of zombies, stop the alien invasion, but also anchor the floating city before it smashes head on into the Azores Islands."