Betty Ann Carr

During a Space Shuttle mission a satellite rams a unidentified flying object. The UFO afterwards performs an emergency landing in the deserts of Arizona. However the White House denies it's existence because of the near presidential elections. The UFO is brought to the secret hangar 18 and the accident is claimed to incompetence of the astronauts Bancroff and Price. But the two fight against this and try to hunt down the UFO.


Hawkeye and Chingachcook attempt to rescue the daughter of a chief who was captured by raiders from a rival tribe.


The tropical oasis of Honolulu is threatened by a maniacal arsonist, who strikes seemingly without pattern, or reason. This film stars Jim Davis (Jock in Dallas) and is about the Honolulu police and fire department trying to catch a deadly arsonist. Richard Young stars as Clay a young firefighter that is determined to find the arsonist after his father is killed in one of the arsonists fires. Jim Davis stars as Rocky Stratton who is the chief fire officer, Betty Ann Carr is his daughter who is a journalist and Clays girlfriend.


Cade's County was about Sam Cade, the tough but sensitive sheriff of sprawling Madrid County located somewhere in the American Southwest. Between chases and shootouts, the show dealt with a number of relevant 1970s issues such as the plight of the Native American.
