Betty Mack

The Three Mesquiteers convince a group of settlers to exchange their present property for some which, unbeknownst to our goodguys, is going to be worthless. They are captured before they can warn the ranchers.


After a socially conscience reporter adopts a slum orphan after she causes his brother's gang to go to prison.


Shirley Ross plays an innocent young girl convicted for complicity in a crime committed by her boy friend (Lloyd Nolan). The male crook is sentence to six months on a prison farm populated by both men and women (segregated, of course). Ross is also incarcerated, suffering the cruelties of the sadistic male and female guards (including J. Carroll Naish and future "Ma Kettle" Marjorie Main!)


When Jim and Scrubby arrive to see Scrubby's sister, they find her murdered and suspect it was her no good husband Jake. But Jake and his men have just robbed the stage and two dectectives arrive looking for them. Finding Jim and Scrubby instead, they assume them to be the outlaws and arrest them.


After having been gone for some time, a cowboy comes home to his ranch to find himself up against a gang involved in smuggling Chinese into the country.


Dan Adams resigns his position as prosecutor on the district attorney's staff and sets out to clean up a gang of fake-accident racketeers. He gets a job with an insurance company, and assures the company president he will get the goods on the gang or die in the attempt. At the company offices, he meets Carol Carter and she, believing he is a shyster (possibly redundant) lawyer in the employ of the racketeers gives him as little help as possible. Dan visits his brother Eddie, who is mixed up with the gang and tries to make him break away. Eddie is belligerent but finally, because of the pressure brought by Dan and his wife Tonia, agrees to go straight. The gang, led by "Duke" Trotti, fears he will squeal and they kill him, plus they make his death look like an accident and plan to collect on it. Dan is closing in on the gang when Carol, who is now his assistant, comes up with some conclusive evidence, but "Duke" has plans to get rid of her before she can give the information to Dan.


When his family is killed by Indians, a bitter cowboy turns into a ruthless hired gunman. Unbeknownst to him, his son had survived the attack, and is now a lawman. The son, not knowing that the killer is his father, is assigned to bring him to justice.


Cowboy infiltrates an outlaw gang to expose their rackets, but after he's ordered to kidnap a young girl, the gang finds out who he really is.


A rancher, frustrated with constant cattle rustling and the inability of the local sheriff to stop it, is accused of murder when the sheriff is found dead.


A scientist's obsessive jealousy about his wife, a professional opera singer, endangers their marriage.


Betty's father has an invention that looks like a fancy camera; it emits an ultra-lavender ray that temporarily rids the ray's target of inhibitions. To test it, Betty's father zaps Charley hoping his newly-aberrant behavior will cause Betty to end her affections for the milquetoast. Dad's plan backfires: the invention works perfectly, Charley gets a backbone, and Betty loves her new forceful man. However, Charley's courage and lack of a superego get him in trouble with the law. He goes on trial for assaulting a bullying police officer. Is Charley going up the river leaving Betty high and dry?


In order to get out of his boss's doghouse, Charley pairs his troublesome sister-in-law with an important client and inevitable complications result.


Charley meets his new boss--who has a lovely daughter.

Charley finds that he got more than he bargained for when he takes a job as a kindergarten teacher.


Charley is one of four identical brothers, which drives his girlfriend nuts.


Charley falls in love with Betty on a camping trip.


Charley unwittingly becomes a house painter.


Randolph Graves, a high-pressure haberdashery salesman, is fired for arguing with a customer and gets job selling oil stock in a nearby town; there he falls in love with the sheriff's daughter and tangles with crooked stock promoters.


O'Hara has been hired to lead a wagon train west. Instead he has led it off the trail to where it can be attacked by his Indian friends. But Tennessee Mathews is familiar with O'Hara's tactics and sends for the soldiers.


Director Richard Thorpe's 1932 film follows the romantic exploits of two depression-era manicurists, one of whom is being woo'd by a true gentleman of means, the other of whom lets herself become a pawn of operators of a call-girl ring.


A playboy travels west after having killed his wife's lover. By chance, he happens to run into the man who has been falsely accused of the crime, who is himself on the run.

A government agent is sent to a tough frontier town to arrest & bring back one of the most ruthless criminals in the region.


Escaping from the Sheriff, Jim and Cookie decide to go straight. But when they meet their old cohort, The Blanco Kid, he tells their new boss they are outlaws and they are in trouble again.
