Bill Flynn

After having spent many years working as an assassin for the New York Underworld, Chris Richardson decides to leave that life behind her, fed up with the killings and bloodshed. Setting out to begin a new life with her lover, she quickly finds out that once you're in, you never leave.


Who do you love? How will you die? The lives of a bullied teenager struggling to survive his high school tormentors and a lonely elderly man wrestling with the loss of his wife and his own mortality collide after a tragic accident.

Midlothia is a small, tight-knit town, where everyone knows everyone else's business. On Fred's last day in town, he and his closest friends uncover secrets that threaten the fabric of their friendship.


A mysterious stranger rolls into town on a unique motorcycle. All he carries is the bible and a desire for justice. Past vengeance collides as Ryder rights an injustice from his past and liberates the small town from a malicious oppressor.


A man traveling down a dark interstate highway hears ominous messages broadcast over his car radio... warning him that he is about to die.


Texan-based martial arts actioner.

On a South African plantation, a maniac is on the loose, first killing the estate's animals, then starting on the human members.
