Bill Mitchell

After losing a powerful orb, Kara, Superman's cousin, comes to Earth to retrieve it and instead finds herself up against a wicked witch.


Low-budget aliens (three nice-looking women and a gay computer voice-over) crash-land in England and abduct four earthlings.


Ubu is a 1978 film made by Geoff Dunbar, based on Alfred Jarry's 1896 play Ubu Roi


The grandchild of Professor James Moriarty had promised the world that it has only five days left to live. Moriarty is a master of disguise, a crack shot, and is very patient. Several government figures are shot to death, and it seems that it truly is the end of civilization as we know it - until the President learns that the grandson of Sherlock Holmes is living at 221B Baker Street, and sends the Police Commissioner of Scotland Yard to employ him.


A mysterious spacecraft captures Russian and American space capsules and brings the two superpowers to the brink of war. James Bond investigates the case in Japan and comes face to face with his archenemy Blofeld.


A former British spy stumbles into in a plot to overthrow Communism with the help of a supercomputer. But who is working for whom?


A skeptical college professor discovers that his wife has been practicing magic for years. Like the learned, rational fellow he is, he forces her to destroy all her magical charms and protective devices, and stop that foolishness. He isn't put off by her insistence that his professional rivals are working magic against him, and her protections are necessary to his career and life.
