Bill Vanders

A group of mercenaries escort a man with a million dollar bounty on his head across the African terrain. Double crosses, back stabbing, and gunfire follows.


A story of how World War II affected the lives of a German family and an American family, both of whom had sons and fathers fighting in the war.


Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers on their way to military prison are beset upon by a German artillery attack, escaping with Switzerland in their sights. Before making it any farther, they volunteer to steal a V2 warhead for the French Underground - taking them deep into the heart of German territory.


Two nice guys, a wrestler and an Ice-cream vendor are mistaken for dangerous killers by an important local gangster, whose nickname is Sorriso. With the help of many coincidences they play along with Sorriso "working" for him, just to survive, but, when they receive the order to butcher the components of a very indigent family they are unmasked.


After the Civil War a former officer in the northern army helps to capture the head of a gang of outlaws who is operating under the disguise of a deputy sheriff in order to gain information on gold shipments.


Night of the Devils is an Italian vampire thriller with a remarkably good pedigree. The script is based on The Wurdalak, a short story by A.K. Tolstoy. The central character is the patriarch of a wealthy family who fears that he will show up one day in vampire form. Should this happen, he warns his family not to let him back in his house, no matter how much he begs.


A woman is fatally stabbed in bed, a prostitute is battered into oblivion and a female painter is strangled with a telephone cord. Another woman, Giulia, who is on her honeymoon, is attacked in a train carriage but the killer flees when her husband Mario comes to the rescue. In spite of his protestations to the police, Mario is accused of being the murderer. He sets out to prove his innocence by conducting his own enquiries. In the meanwhile, a woman in an insane asylum is drowned in a bath and another female victim is power-drilled to death...


No overview found.


In WWII, a commando was sent in a secret mission in Sicily. They had a reluctant Italian prisoner of war to help them.


The boss has come up with something: Ed, outwardly a brave London citizen, attacks with a well-trained accomplice a van of the British Central Bank. The gangsters capture a million pounds sterling and can escape unrecognized. Scotland Yard is the target of the mockery, it comes to a government crisis. Only the hint of a child, who happened to witness the coup, brings the genre law enforcers on the right track.


Giuseppe Rosati's first production as director and only espionage film Scacco internazionale aka The Last Chance concerns an international crime syndicate threatened by certain information given to American journalist Patrick Harris (Tab Hunter) and it sets out to kill him...


James Daly is an American special soldier who goes behind enemy territory during WWII. His Objective: to steal top secret SS document that can change the course of the war.


Two friends from America come together by chance in the Italian countryside. They decide to meet in Rome after both have done private deals. When one then not show up in Rome starts the other one become suspicious and fearful that something has happened to him. He begins to investigate the case himself and ends up in a spiral of industrial espionage, blackmail, and cold-blooded murder ...


John Chandler is sentenced to death only to re-emerge as his own brother, courtesy of the CIA who have arranged the subterfuge so they can use him as a double agent.


Journalist Mike Harway decides to help his friend Christine in her search for her father, professor Baker, who mysteriously disappeared. The investigation brings them to Africa where they are captured and brought to the El Faium abandoned fort. It now hosts a laboratory designed by the twisted mind of Devilman, who dreams of swapping his natural brain with an artificial one that will make him perfect.
