Björn Runge

A wife questions her life choices as she travels to Stockholm with her husband, where he is slated to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.


They are people who have important significance for each other, but are not honest with each other. They live in a shadow world of lies and half truths and just waiting for the truth to come forward so they can continue their lives in a new direction.


A small group of people who, in intimate ways, explores a relationship that is exposed to stress.


The teenage girl Vera left her family after an incident at home, and is now living with a middle-aged drug addict, Morgan, who is using her as a prostitute to get money for drugs and debts. Meanwhile, the rest of her family is falling apart, and her father, Mats, is trying to figure out how to get her back before it's too late.


Sweden, shortly before Christmas. Surgeon Rickard is told the job he expected goes to a Dane, because of his substance abuse. It's too late to cancel dinner with his in-laws. The guest couple announces their in-vitro is a success. Then Richard's wife learns he cheated her with Sofie. Meanwhile ugly hag Anita trades drugs to afford a taser to use on her ex Olof and his former physiotherapist. Workaholic builder Anders is disgusted by his grieve-deranged client Knut's plan and decides to spend time on his family, not just money.


The story of Raymond Olsson, unemployed cook, 40-years-old and living with his mother.


Documentary about Swedish author Sture Dahlström.


Harry works as a hairdresser in a mental hospital. He likes to play bingo and is married to Anna. One day he meets the cleaning lady Sonja.


Some people spend a day on a beach.


Two lovers are separated by the German invasion of Poland
