Blanca Lidia Muñoz

A humble shoe shiner finds fame and fortune as a wrestler without knowing he wears a dead man's mask.

In the drug trafficking business, most of the unimaginable crimes have been committed to ensuring deliveries, they were done regardless of the consequences.

A woman very dedicated to God has a daughter, which forces her to pray at all times, but she does not think like her mother, and has another way to do it. She worships the devil and is owned by him!

A Mexican spoof about the DC heroes Batman & Robin. -Edgar Cochran-


Avila, early twentieth century. Pedro, a boy of nine years, accompanied by his tutor, comes to live in the house of Don Mateo, a teacher that from that moment will be responsible for his education. Pedro begins an almost familiar relationship with Doña Gregoria and Martina, wife and daughter of his master. The appearance of Alfredo, and roommate and colleague of studies, complete the circle of his emotional environment. Provincial life, relationships with peers and the special relationship between life and death instilled by Don Mateo, definitely will influence his future life.


In Mexico City, a woman is raped every 9 minutes. This film details some of the legal and social problems in the country and how it's often difficult for women to find justice. Awarded Best Film by Mexican Cinema Journalists and nominated for three Ariel Awards.


Mafia members go after a father and a son who know too much.


A group of friends on a hunting trip, staying at a cabin in the middle of nowhere start being attacked by a beast.


Those involved in the making of an amateur porn video end up getting slashed to death with a cane sword. It's up to the brave policewoman Eugenia aka The Scorpion (Maribel Guardia) to stop him.


A group of young drug dealers commit crimes in a sleazy strip club.
