Bob Burns

An extended documentary about the early career of director Jack Arnold at Universal-International studios


Behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the 1953 sci-fi classic "The War of the Worlds". Included are interviews with some of the cast and crew and unreleased footage from the film itself.


Narrator Rudy Behlmer guides a look through Universal's place in film history as a source of alien visitation, extraterrestrial life, and other Science Fiction staples. The piece further looks at the political and social implications, parallels, and escapism in the movie. The piece spends much of its screen time on how 'It Came From Outer Space' echoed and influenced the genre, its legacy, performances, adherence to Ray Bradbury's source material, 3D photography and presentation, score and effects, and more. This is a quality piece that informs and entertains alike, one that fascinatingly examines the film, and others like it, as both entertainment and echoes of real life.


The nefarious Gorilla Gang terrorize the city of Metropolis with the help of their ferocious ape Kogar. Newspaper reporter Lucy Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen run foul of the evil Gorilla Gang. Superman flies to their rescue.

An agent from a distant planet has been sent to earth to ship large quantities of blood to his world, where a plague is ravaging the populace. He comes equipped with an interstellar matter transmitter, telepathic mind-control powers, and deathray-shooting eyes. Because he is also affected by the blood disease, he gains control of the town's physician and has him place a nurse at his disposal, while he collects live humans for fresh blood; but gains the nurse's suspicions, along with those of her boyfriend - a town police officer.


A couple searching for the ideal spot to have a picnic, unknowingly enter sacred land and disturb the Cliff Monster that guards the area.