Bob Seagren

Ten years after his retirement from the government, Colonel Steve Austin must again team up with Jaime Sommers to stop a terrorist group. Complicating matters for Austin are his estranged son Michael, who struggles for his father's acceptance as he graduates from flight school, and Jaime, who must cope with her and Steve's past. When Michael is severely injured in a crash, Steve must make the same decision about fitting him with bionics that he had to make with Jaime years ago after her accident.


Beverly McGraw, an advertising exec meets Billy Colorado, a football player, Charles, a minister meets Crystal Kramer, a store clerk and her mother Ida, Robert Murphy, a detective following Beverly, is having trouble avoiding falling for her. Cheryl and Jimmy, staff at the resort assist with the matchmaking activities of their aunt Madge, the operator of the Love Island Resort


Christopher Connelly stars as stuntman Hill Singleton in this daring, high seas, rescue adventure. When film star Rebecca Way is kidnapped from her own set, Hill must come up with a plan. Because she is stashed away in international waters the F.B.I's hands are tied, so Hill must take matters into his own hands. He has just 72 hours to round up an all star rescue team, including Morgan Brittany and Christopher Lloyd, and pull off this daring rescue!


A seriocomic look at the life of Julie Walker. Bored with her marriage, and encouraged by her friends, she contemplates an affair. Fantasy and reality mix often, leading to complications and headaches.
