Boone Cavender

A Goat Kid’s rocky relationship with her father takes an other-worldly turn when his brain is overtaken by an alien parasite bent on world domination.

Fifteen years ago, two teenage girls were murdered at Merrymaker Campgrounds. The case was filed an animal attack, the camp was condemned and the killer never found - but something horrific still waits in those woods.


A local skate legend returns from out-of-state rehab to star in a documentary about his recovery only to have the project derailed when a drug stash is uncovered in an old hangout spot.

Artemis has lived 15 years in a Cold War Bunker living on food pills and working on paper work that is delivered through a pneumatic tube. Her only communication with the outside world is through a CB radio. Her daily routine is interrupted by her fear of what may have happened to her childhood friend Linda, who has ceased communication for the last several days.