Boris Buzančić

A big family reunion at the weekend cottage around traditional food preparation "kotlovina" (pig on a spit and lots of drinking) with quaintly amusing and earnest situations revealing what is stronger: ties of blood and background or culture and the way of living.


Stipan is a policeman who comes to small Adriatic island off the Croatian coast in order to investigate reported strange phenomena that had frightened the whole population. At first, nobody wants to co-operate with him, but he finally finds that the island is being allegedly haunted by the ghost of Josip Broz Tito, Communist leader of former Yugoslavia. For Luka, the mayor, this is the opportunity to turn entire island into Tito-themed amusement park. Tito's WW2 veterans, on the other hand, don't believe in ghosts; for them, the apparition is actually Tito himself, who had returned in order to lead them into a new revolution which would restore Communism. Written by Anonymous


The story about the Bleiburg massacre, seen from a Croatian Home Defenders point of view.


Determined to find her sister's killers, Ida Palamar decides to become a prostitute in an elite Zagreb brothel where the murder probably took place. The brothel is run by Vuk, violent and drug-crazed arms smuggler, protected by the police. Ida's only ally in her quest is a young bouncer.


Diana McGowin is a successful middle-aged legal secretary. Upon her realization that she is in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, Diana courageously attempts to hide her affliction from her husband, Jack, and her children, but it isn't long before the truth becomes painfully obvious.


It is 1945 in Zagreb, and everyone is settling into the new regime following the disturbances of the war. Matilda is a wealthy widow of a war hero and has an apartment so spacious that she is required to take a boarder. Fortunately for her, the handsome young Lt. Horvat, the communist housing officer, has taken a fancy to her and has assigned his fiancee to be Matilda's new roommate. Where Matilda is soft and rounded, Lilijana is hard, skinny, and given to revolutionary pronouncements rather than tender endearments. The lieutenant loves them both, though he naturally finds Matilda more attractive. His situation is simplified when Lilijana, though pregnant, is transferred to another post. However, his commander is horrified that he has a lover in addition to his fiancee and demands that he choose whether to continue his career or continue his affair.


Upon his release from prison, a convict kidnaps the judge, the public prosecutor and three more people with the help of his inmate on conditional release, and takes them to his uncle's farm in an abandoned village. The duo has different plans of what to do with the captives.


Lika, Austro-Hungarian Empire, the year is 1918, the last year of WWI. In a wasteland rocky area, among ravines there is a small gendarmery police station with several gendarmes headed by sergeant Cokula. The area is controlled by a group of outlaws led by Todor nicknamed "The Terrible". Sergeant Cokula and Todor did not bother each other, until bandits robbed the emperor's inspector.


It’s the winter of 1942. A freight train on the section of the Slavonian railway Vinkovci-Nova Gradiska is under a special Gestapo escort. Fleeing misfortune and evil brought by war, the last wagon is the place of encounter of politicians, war smugglers, deserters and tamburitza players.


The film is an omnibus consisting of three stories - "Usvojenje", "Ferije" and "Probni rok". We follow fragments of the lives of young girls from a social institution for children and young adults without parents. In the first story, a wealthy young couple wants to adopt a five-year-old girl, Zeljka. The emotionally undeveloped child has a hard time adapting to her new environment. In Ferije, fifteen-year-old Visnja spends her winter holidays in a gloomy home for young delinquents, where she experiences her first romance. The heroine of the third story is nineteen-year-old Branka who, after her graduation, tries to find a job and become independent from the social institutions she has lived in her entire life.


Despite the ongoing WW2, most of the people were just minding their own business. But everything changes when police arrests the group of youths under suspicion of being resistance sympathizers. Outraged townsfolk organize the siege of police station.


A student of architecture from Zagreb believes that the new model of city can meet the need of its citizens. However, his professors, the corrupt business environment and even the parents of his fiancée stand on his way.


A 40 year old former football star and idol of his generation feels that there's a gap between him and the rest of his peers. In order to cross divides over, he makes 20th anniversary party for his school friends he graduated with, only to find out that things are more complicated than he first thought.


A poor fisherman and his girlfriend live in a small boat under an open sky for decades. Based on a true story.


This series follows Tesla's life from his childhood in Simljan (near Gospic) in nowadays Croatia (then Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia, part of Austria-Hungary) to his death in New York, USA.


Middle-aged couple is going back from shopping in Trieste. They decide to spend the night in a romantic motel “Moonlight”, but there, their trouble will begin…


In 1941, a few months after German tanks forced Yugoslav Royal Army to capitulate, organized resistance is turning into massive uprising against occupying forces. Partisans, led by the Communist party, manage to chase Germans from huge territory later known as the Uzice Republic. However, forces loyal to King have some other ideas.


A theater premiere of Timon of Athens ends with a rapturous applause from the audience, and Boris, the lead actor (Boris Buzančić), is congratulated for having played the role of his lifetime. Encouraged by the sense of his own worth, he starts a romantic affair with a prompter, spurring gossip in the theater. The ensemble embarks on a tour, but as their performances achieve more success, Boris is becoming less liked among his colleagues, and he begins to experience the fate of the character he is playing...


Communist party commissar Ivica is sent to the lowland village to monitor the local partisan squad. Despite their disagreements he befriends their leader Dikan and they plan to evacuate the chief headquarters. Dikan also sees the opportunity to have his personal revenge on an enemy officer, responsible for death of one of his men.


A man and his conscience are shown on their way to paradise as the only illusion that saves him the present civilization's hell. However, it is the same people and same events that await him there.


Partizan commisar, a Communist intellectual from Zagreb, must bring the group of Serb partizans in line.


Dalmatia in the 1930s. Mate Pivac, a policeman and father of eight, finds out that the King himself becomes godfather to every ninth children in the country, and tries to make his wife sure that they need another child hoping for financial or any other kind of support. Eventually in the town arrives a circus troop, whose main star looks identically to Our Lady of the Angel. The attractive lady arouses male fantasies, so local women ask from Mate to make her leave the town by force. The trouble is that Mate himself is not immune to her beauty.


A man cannot bear the superficiality of human relationships, and when his best friend lets him down, he commits suicide by jumping off a skyscraper.


A hotel needs to be fixed up by its guests.


The conflict between a reactionary surgeon and his progressive son over new methods of surgery.


A student of music education comes to the music festival where organizers mix him up with the conductor. He accepts the role which creates lots of comic situations.


Story of the dream of a lonely woman lying mentally ill in a sanatorium.


The adaptation of Hans Cristian Andersen's tale filmed on a white background. It is also the first Croatian movie in color.


The film has two stories. Story 1: A group f partisans, fighting against the enemy and harsh winter storm, comes to the village where locals are hostile to them. Story 2: One night during the war, a daughter of railway station chief helps the wounded partisan commander to escape; however Germans discover her deeds, and kill her.


A partisan battalion who was surrounded from all sides brings up decision to enter the city, so that the fighters could rest and recover. Due to fear of one of the partisans, the enemy discovers their plan, but fails to sabotage it.


A bus and a truck are moving towards each other along a two-way traffic highway on a rainy day. At the very beginning we learn that a reckless driver of another car will cause them to collide while trying to pass the bus; we even learn what seats will spell doom for their occupants. The rest of the movie follows two streams of events on the bus and on the truck, getting us to know and like a wide variety of characters, wondering which ones will end up being casualties and holding breath for our favourites. The epilogue brings some more surprises...


Boris Buzančić plays an idealistic young doctor who is assigned a nearly deserted village. The backwards residents at first resent Buzančić's new-fangled methods. Gradually, he proves his worth and wins their confidence. The clincher comes when Buzančić rids the community of a despotic villain.


A group of partisans is under siege, surrounded by strong German forces. Some of them remember the events that preceded the siege. This is an omnibus of three intertwined stories.


Ivan Ivanović, a party functionary, arrives in a provincial town as a temporary replacement for a cultural official. The newcomer is fanatically eager to reform the town's cultural life in accordance with socialist ideals. He abolishes all five music societies and orders a monument of the town's most revered native, late composer Ciguli Miguli, removed from the main square. Ivanović's actions, however, meet stiff resistance from the townspeople, especially the youth.


TV series which serves as an extended version of the film of the same title.