Boris Khvoshnyanskiy

Vasily Livanov’s historical movie carries the viewer back into the 18th century and tells the story of the monument to Peter the Great through Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem «The Bronze Horseman». The sculptor Étienne Maurice Falconet comes from France at the invitation of the Empress Ekaterina the 2nd to erect the monument. Thanks to the master’s meticulous work and painstaking creative search the monument has become not only a masterpiece of art but one of the symbols of Russia.

A story of a young boxing coach who suddenly becomes a main suspect in three murders.

Russian-Ukrainian remake of the US-series.

Dasha’s whole life is one big love. Love for the only daughter with the strange name of Iya. “The name is from only vowels - and there will be no core in the character” - warned Dasha ... The heroine remembered these words when one day Iya simply left her mother. Gone from poverty and problems in a new beautiful life. Gone behind the golden skies from her children's drawing ...

The life of a characters of this movie can be described as a swing - up and down, up and down; each day, each week...


“Male's way” is the first male series devoid of thieves' raids, pseudo-romantic maxims and melodramatic self-torture, an uncompromisingly honest look at the relations of men and women, devoid of political correctness alien to this form. These are stories about “sex in the big city” through the eyes of women and men living in the Russian metropolis, this is a challenge to the norms of hypocritical morality, screaming about tolerance and chastity, but mired in oppression and debauchery, this is a bitter medicine, caustic truth about the heroes of our time forced to live according to the laws of the society to which they serve. And in this hopeless accuracy, the main note of all interwoven plots, where life itself will put everything in its place, and yesterday's monster can become handsome, and Cinderella can turn into a witch.


Lenfilm's most recent major production spins a kind of historical fantasy based on real incidents that's full of ominous implications for today. One night, a patrol rushes into the chambers of the Russian prince Pavel, son of the Empress Catherine; the Empress has died, and Pavel is to be anointed the new Tsar. Thought to be feeble-minded at best and crazy at worst, Pavel soon lives up to his enemies' fears: he dismisses long-serving courtiers, demands that peasants only work three days a week, and declares that state officials should start their days at 5 am. Soon, it seems that everyone who can is trying to hatch some kind of plot against him - including his own sons. Sumptuously designed, POOR POOR PAVEL constrasts the imperial splendor of the court with the sordid atmosphere of conspiracies and backstabbing that comes to define these characters' lives.


Действие разворачивается в замке великого коррехидора Андалусии графа Альмавивы. Повеса-граф, устав от приключений на стороне, решил найти любовницу в своем собственном замке, и обратил свой взор на первую камеристку графини, очаровательную Сюзанну. Внимание графа отнюдь не польстило Сюзанне, готовящейся выйти замуж за графского камердинера Фигаро. Она сообщила своему жениху о настойчивых ухаживаниях Альмавивы. Узнала об этом и графиня. Она решила проучить своего неверного мужа. Был составлен заговор, участником которого, кроме Сюзанны, графини и Фигаро стал паж Керубино…