Boris Klyuev

Action drama based on the story about a conflict between retired killer and his young replacement.


The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon's secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General Kutuzov (Head of Russian forces), thanks to a young nobleman Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov joint to the the regiment of Russian lancers, and finds new friends like Lieutenant Gorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. After the terrible battle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpected adventures...


The main characters of the series are an ordinary family. The family consists of the following: Kostya (a sports journalist), his wife Vera (a housewife) and their children: Masha and the twins Philip and Kirill. Right on the same landing, where the apartment of the young Voronin family is located, Kostya’s parents live: Galina Ivanovna (housewife, Kostya and Lyonya’s mother, Vera’s mother-in-law), Nikolai Petrovich (Kostya’s and Lyonya’s father, Vera’s father-in-law) and Lyonya (the major of the police) - Kostya's older brother.


A successful landscape designer Marina is going to get married. Next Saturday, her high-ranking father will meet her fiancé Alexander. Just a day before the significant Saturday Alexander leaves the Marina.

A newest Russian military plane "TU-106" equipped with nuclear weapon is controlled by terrorists. There is almost no time before attack...


Sometimes you need to become somebody else in order to understand your own destiny...


20 years ago young soviet programmer has fallen in love with love mate of his boss during joint tourist trip to Paris. Nowadays he comes back to Paris being a thriving business man.

Young girl Nina is falling in love with the orthodox priest with a criminal past.


Ukrainian remake of the famous film by Alfred Hitchcock.

Russian general have to find and bring back to St. Petersburg girl claiming her right to the throne...


Saveliy Govorkov, an Afghanistan war veteran tries to fight mafia in his own town.


Mafia kidnaps an investigator's little son after he discovers massive thefts on a local shoe factory. With the help of his three old friends, two cops and a newspaper reporter he struggles to rescue his son and close the case at the same time.


The final film of the television series "the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." It is based on the late and little-known stories of Arthur Conan Doyle, United by the theme of the approaching world war and the struggle of the legendary detective with foreign spies.


The final film of the television series "the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." It is based on the late and little-known stories of Arthur Conan Doyle, united by the theme of the approaching world war and the struggle of the legendary detective with foreign spies.


Directed by Andrei Yermash, and written by Isaac Asimov, Budimir Metalnikov, and Andrei Yermash, «Konets vechnosti» is a 1987 Science Fiction film, starring Oleg Vavilov, Vera Sotnikova, Georgi Zhzhyonov, Sergei Yursky, Gediminas Girdvainis and Boris Ivanov.


In addition to the two-part television version of the film, a shorter version was installed to show the film, entitled “Sherlock Holmes in the 20th Century.” In this installation version, in particular, the entire plot of the story “Bruce-Partington Drawings” was deleted. A film version was released before the premiere of the full (two-part) television version of the film.


Operation "Resident", which lasted 15 years, is coming to an end. But the indestructible agent of "Nadezhda" has one important mission left. Agent Carl Brockmann, who intends to steal the work of Academician Nikolai Nesterov in the defense sector, has been abandoned in the USSR. KGB leadership asks Mikhail Tulyev to return to the Soviet Union to find the spy. Meanwhile, Brockmann recruits former fascist collaborator Mikhail Kutepov for involvement in a dangerous operation.


A WWII veteran involved in crime activity suddenly finds out about an award granted to him posthumously during the war.


1932. Ural, city of Krasnouralsk. The power plant has been sabotaged. The turbine is out of order. Having put the guards to sleep, someone poured sand into the turbine oil. In Moscow, the leadership of the OGPU received a secret cipher. From it it becomes known about the conspiracy of German intelligence against the USSR. Its main purpose — subversive actions in Soviet power plants. Special attention is paid to the Urals and the Dnieper under construction. Diversion in Krasnosilske — link in this chain. In Krasnotalsk sent a special agent of the OGPU Viktor Sergeevich Lartsev.

The film is a recollection of an adult about the unforgettable days of the first post-war year. Klava, who lost her husband at the front, with her 12-year-old daughter Lyusya sheltered Aygul with a seven-year-old boy in her house. Aygul's son - the main character, now became a pilot, recalls his childhood in a small Kazakh city, which fell on a difficult post-war time. Flying high above the Earth, he thinks of the Russian girl Lyusya, from his distant past.

Based on the novel of the same name by Judah Waten. Beth Tyson is killed in his mansion. Chief Inspector Fields, Inspector Bramell, and Detective Filbert have three different versions of this crime...

The life of Mr. Kettle, an executive of a single bank in a small provincial English town Brickmill, is strictly organized: 7 a.m. stand up, then breakfast, at 9 a.m. work, at 13 p.m. diner, then work, at 18 p.m.- the end of a workday, then club, home, sleep. But one dull English morning almost having reached his work, he stops near a shop window, trading toys. How is Mrs. Twigg, Kettle's housekeeper amazed when she sees seem at home with bags and hears him saying that he is not intended to go to work any longer. This is the day when Mr. Kettle suddenly meets his love, and after a series of funny and tragic situations both choose a new life free and joyful.


After upsetting the criminal underground in 'the Master Blackmailer' case, Sherlock Holmes has to face his archenemy: Prof. Moriarty.


Dr. Watson executes Sherlock Holmes' will, who faced death after exposing Moriarty and his gang in the previous episode.


Mycroft Holmes hands Sherlock Holmes the case of the Master Blackmailer.


Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a businessman, collects information about the latest German airplanes made by Messerschmitt for Luftwaffe. On his spying trip to Berlin, Manevich noticed that a stranger was following him. Now his life is in danger, but he must do something to complete his mission...


Former Wachmister Alexander Solovey receives a task from the Bobruisk Revolutionary Committee to organize the defense of Soviet power in the village of Rudobelka (Polesie) from the onslaught of Germans, Poles and White Guards...