Brandon Cronenberg

A look at the practical effects of the film Possessor.

The cast and crew talk about the core themes of the film and the seeds of the film.

Tasya Vos, an elite corporate assassin, uses brain-implant technology to take control of other people’s bodies to terminate high profile targets. As she sinks deeper into her latest assignment, Vos becomes trapped inside a mind that threatens to obliterate her.


The cast and crew talk about the look and feel of the film Possessor.

Emily is a patient at an experimental psychiatric facility where a brain implant prototype allows her to relive her dreams.


Socially isolated dream-programmer Norman is desperately and secretly in love with his new boss, Claudia. When promoted to program a dream for a high profile client, Norman inadvertently bungles the operation and is forced to share his own fantasy dream involving Claudia. When the lines between dream and reality begin to blur, Norman questions if he is in fact dreaming or is stuck in his client's dream.


After becoming infected with the virus that killed superstar Hannah Geist, Syd March must unravel the mystery surrounding her death to save his own life .


Christopher Merk moves into a building in which every tenant can observe every other tenant through a system of perpetually running cameras installed in the apartments. The tenants are eager participants in this micro-culture of exhibitionism and voyeurism, but Christopher soon finds he has difficulty recognizing himself in his on-screen image.


Edward Porris attends an appointment at a spa that caters to his specific tastes.


Two survivors of a post-apocalyptic world struggle to deal with the meaninglessness of their harsh existence. Film made for the 48 Hour Toronto Film Challenge. Film needed to include a baby bib prop, a fizzing soundbyte, a "front door" location, a "leader" character trait, and the colour blue.


Set in the near future, “Dragon” envisions a society radically changed as a result of discovering ancient organic lifeforms drifting through the cosmos, whose alien biochemistry has been processed to create a hugely profitable drug. The film follows Captain Mia Verse and her crew as they hunt these “dragons” in deep space, seeking to secure a comfortable future.

A behind-the-scenes documentary filmed during production of Brandon Cronenberg's feature debut, Antiviral.

James and Em Foster are enjoying an all-inclusive beach vacation on the island of La Tolqa, when a fatal accident exposes the resort's perverse subculture of hedonistic tourism, reckless violence, and surreal horror.