Brandon Jones

A mother and her son plan a surprise visit to Los Angeles to see her husband/his father. Halfway there they get into a terrible accident in the middle of nowhere and now must fight to survive.


A man uses methods from romantic comedy movies to try and win back his ex-girlfriend.


Life is good for marketing professional Allison, she’s well on her way to earning a stellar promotion all while dating equally successful co-worker Bryce. Her biggest rival for the position, Vanessa, has the boss’ eye, but Allison has a plan. To win the promotion, she needs to impress her boss, Nathan, at their annual company retreat. Of course, she has a head start since she used to be a camp counselor. The only caveat, this year’s trip happens to be the site of Allison’s first heartbreak: her old camp. And who should still be working there but the handsome as ever ex-boyfriend who broke that teenage heart, Cody. But was it all a misunderstanding? Allison’s tasked with navigating not only the obstacle course but her relationships…past and present.


Hayley, a producer on the hit reality show LOVE EVER AFTER, unwillingly falls for The Bachelor on this marriage elimination series. Things become complicated very quickly, especially when one of the female contestants turns up dead. That's when work becomes downright murder.


After meeting cute during a ferocious attack, two hungry zombies fall in love. But in the grand tradition of romantic comedy, miscommunication and heartbreak ensue, jealousy rears its ugly head, and our couple must decide if what they have is real or just one more bloody disappointment. Their brains have died...but not their hearts.