Branko Baletić

When a passive young businessman is conned and thrown into great debts, he and his mother concoct a desperate escape plan - to fake his death, stage a funeral, then hide him out in the attic. When he sneaks out to visit his girlfriend, he is spotted by the neighbors, who jump to the conclusion that he is a vampire risen from the dead. It's not long before the news of a lurking vampire attracts waves of tourists, including some mobsters who aren't completely sold on this whole vampire story.


Oscar runs away from prison only five days before release. He droves off with his girlfriend to Split in a red car, so they could go to Italy and then to America. They meet photographer Jan, and thus their final destination seems every so closer. As police is on their trail, Oscar starts to suspect Jan...


Seven women are sick of working in poor conditions on a farm. They steal a tractor and go to the city.


Belgrade in 1963. In a yard surrounded by buildings, a group of young people of different backgrounds and social status, but of similar views about love and self-affirmation, spend their time together. Their friendship is dyed with various events typical for socialism, such as working actions or Youth Day's parade. All what happens within this yard may become an allegory of one generation's destiny.


In this entertaining, clever satire, it is the beginning of World War II and a group of con artists and thieves decide to pose as musicians under the rubric "The Balkan Express".


DJ from a small town plans to organize a great artistic happening. His plans coincide with those by local bigwigs who desperately want to promote a local food company.
