Brian Mitchell

At a school reunion dinner in a remote country mansion, a dozen people are offered the chance to collect a million pounds each if they can stay on the estate, cut off from the outside world, for 96 hours.


Into the world of the Emperor Penguins, who find their soul mates through song, a penguin is born who cannot sing. But he can tap dance something fierce!


Johnny Vegas has crawled his way to the top of the showbiz ladder. Fame, wealth and awards are his but there's a problem...he's lost his edge. He's no longer funny and the fans have begun to take notice... The solution? Return Vegas to his stand-up roots - The Edinburgh Fringe Festival. How? Kidnap Johnny and surround him with a mad lifestyle manager, a meglomaniac sponsor and his obsessive comic flatmate who should've been sectioned years ago. Then just sit back, watch his world fall apart and hope his new found misery means he can reclaim his place amongst stand-up comedy's finest with hilarious results! Succeed or fail, one question must be answered...Who's Ready For Ice Cream?


England, 14th century. King Edward II falls in love with Piers Gaveston, a young man of humble origins, whom he honors with favors and titles of nobility. The cold and jealous Queen Isabella conspires with the evil Mortimer to get rid of Gaveston, overthrow her husband and take power…


Buddy is an aspiring teenager who is a very good musician and has pressure to go further than his Dad's teddy boy rocker days...
