Bridget Carney

Miles Keane pays the debts for his dancing bar back by illegal fighting. When his debt is paid, he refuses further collaboration. But the fight mafia forces him to continue by threating his mother,the murder of his former lover Joy and kidnapping his girlfriend Katherine Pierce. After the last fight the mafia plans also to kill Miles and Katherine.


While doing the inventory for a lingerie outlet in a high rise office building, five attractive women are terrorized by a series of bizarre killings. They suspect that the strange janitor, who witnessed another series of killings years back, is at the bottom of the whole thing. Little do they know the real horror that they face in the end.


Five college women buy the old Hokstedter place for their new sorority house. They got it cheap because of the bloody incidents from five years before. They decide to stay in it for the night so they can meet the movers in the morning, but begin to get the creeps when the weird neighbor Orville Ketchum starts poking around. Shortly after the women take showers and consult a Ouija board they begin experiencing an attrition problem.
