Brigitte Helm

In 1984, Academy Award winning composter Giorgio Moroder introduced Fritz Lang’s science fiction epic Metropolis to a new generation of moviegoers. Working in collaboration with film archives around the world, he supervised a special reconstruction of the film, with color tinting, fewer inter-titles, and newly restored footage. A pioneer in the field of digital music, Moroder backed this special edition with a throbbing new score, punctuated with pop songs from some of the biggest stars of the early MTV era: Freddie Mercury, Pat Benatar, Adam Ant, Bonnie Tyler, Loverboy and other.

This insightful documentary features some of the major and most beautiful actresses to grace the silver screen. It shows how the movie industry changed it's depiction of sex and actresses portrayal of sex from the silent movie era to the present. Classic scenes are shown from the silent movie, True Heart Susie, starring Lillian Gish, to Love Me Tonight (1932), blending sex and sophistication, starring Jeanette MacDonald (pre-Nelson Eddy) and to Elizabeth Taylor in, A Place in the Sun (1951), plus much , much more.


Sir Robert Chiltern is a successful Government minister, well-off and with a loving wife. All this is threatened when Mrs Cheveley appears in London with damning evidence of a past misdeed. Sir Robert turns for help to his friend Lord Goring, an apparently idle philanderer and the despair of his father. Goring knows the lady of old, and, for him, takes the whole thing pretty seriously.


A case of espionage in high society: To save the reputation of his county, a diplomat voluntarily takes his own life.


Using an atomic reactor, Two scientists try to create gold.


Baron Franz von Naydek is constantly being mistaken for Prince Woronzeff, since both look identical. One day, Woronzeff decides that this similarity might come in handy. Since he is very ill and can no longer deal with the intrigues of his relatives, he begs his friend Naydek to play the role of prince for a while. Naydek agrees and everything seems to be going splendidly. Woronzeff’s ex-nag Diane sees through the game, however, but says nothing, since she’s fallen for Naydek. He, in turn, has the hots for Nadja, Woronzeff’s daughter, long thought lost and who has now reappeared. The prince’s relatives fear for their inheritance and so refuse to acknowledge Nadja’s existence. In the interim, Woronzeff dies. Now Naydek is obliged to play the role for a much longer time than he bargained for.

In a Hungarian gypsy encampment, carefree Sandor lives with his beautiful sweetheart Yutka. Into their lives rides a blonde countess, with whom Sandor becomes infatuated. Yutka soon flees from her faithless lover. Sandor roams the country, searching for his lost love, but finds her too late. she now wears furs and has her own aristocratic love. Sandor returns heartbroken to his Romany encampment.

Antinea. the Queen of Atlantis, rules her secret kingdom hidden beneath the Sahara Desert. One day two lost explorers stumble into her kingdom, and soon realize that they haven't really been saved--Antinea has a habit of taking men as lovers, then when she's done with them, she kills them and keeps them mummified.


In this mythical fantasy, the evil queen of Atlantis lives in a magnificent palace, the halls of which are filled with the mummified remains of former lovers.


The two aspiring actresses Jeanette and Mimi are waiting for their big chance. But the real breakthrough is slow in coming. Jeanette especially desperately needs a big success, since her friend, the journalist Stephan, is about to lose his job. When the two have their chance to take a ride in a posh car during a shooting, Jeanette slams on the throttle and the two friends take off. Their aimless journey takes them to a fashionable winter sports’ hotel, where Jeanette reserves a name under “The Countess of Monte Christo”. Everything’s going dandy; no one suspects a thing. That is, until two impostors, Rumowski and “The Baron” take residence in the same hotel.


Antinea, the Queen of Atlantis, rules her secret kingdom hidden beneath the Sahara Desert. One day two lost explorers stumble into her kingdom, and soon realize that they haven’t really been saved—Antinea has a habit of taking men as lovers, then when she’s done with them, she kills them and keeps them mummified.


This is the German version of Gloria with Gustav Fröhlich & Brigitte Helm in the leads. A French version was filmed simultaneously with André Luguet & Brigitte Helm in the leads.


A tourist guide in Naples is taken on by an English woman impressed by his singing, and who regards him as her protege. This film was released as a German version and English Version known as "The City of Song". Brigitte Helm once portrays a beautiful femme fatale who displays her affection and lust for her tourist guide which is paralleled with the main bodied theme of the early romanticist songs played throughout.


A scientist, Professor Jakob ten Brinken, interested in the laws of heredity, impregnates a prostitute in a laboratory with the semen of a hanged murderer. The prostitute conceives a female child who has no concept of love, whom the professor adopts. The girl, Alraune, suffers from obsessive sexuality and perverse relationships throughout her life. She learns of her unnatural origins and she avenges herself against the professor.


A documentary about the making of L'argent, the epic silent film directed by Marcel L'Herbier. The film shows the details of many of the more complicated moving camera shots.


George Manolescu (Ivan Mouskojine) plays a confidence man who works his way from Paris to New York, along the way during a train ride to Monte Carlo he meets the voluptuous as always Cleo (Bigitte Helm) where they have a whirl wind romance which becomes short lived after she flees from him.


This silent-screen classic, like many others produced near the end of the silent era, was both a theatrical extravaganza boasting an original orchestral score and an item which languished in obscurity for many years. When Carlo Piccardi took what was left of the score by Maurice Jaubert and re-created it, the existing footage was restored and paired with a new orchestral performance which was shown in Paris in 1988. The film's story concerns the travails of a woman who has been living quite comfortably as the mistress of a colonel in the Tsar's army in Russia. However, she eventually encounters a penniless young lieutenant and falls madly in love with him, as he does with her. Despite her best intentions of remaining with the colonel, and his intention to avoid trouble with his fellow soldiers, they cannot forswear this relationship, and tragedy is the inevitable result. The title refers to a moving incident in the story, and translates as "the wonderful lie of Nina Petrovna."


Brigitte Helm stars as a woman neglected by her self-absorbed husband who begins to mix with a questionable crowd in a trendy nightclub. Her encounters eventually lead to disastrous results.


The ship-owner Herr Reeder Roberts organizes a world trip on his luxury liner "Yoshiwara". Aboard are millionaires and famous artists, but also criminals. The manager of the ship-owner, Stefan Martini, has been murdered shortly before the departure in a mysterious way. Several persons are suspected and these are, precisely, the passengers of the "Yoshiwara".


Adapted from the novel L'Argent by Émile Zola, the film portrays the world of banking and the stock market in Paris in the 1920s.


Directed by Alexandre Volkoff


Hanns Heinz Ewers' grim science-fiction novel Alraune has already been filmed twice when this version was assembled in 1928. In another of his "mad doctor" roles, Paul Wegener plays Professor Brinken, sociopathic scientist who combines the genes of an executed murderer with those of a prostitute. The result is a beautiful young woman named Alraune (Brigitte Helm), who is incapable of feeling any real emotions -- least of all guilt or regret. Upon attaining adulthood, Alraune sets about to seduce and destroy every male who crosses her path. Ultimately, Professor Brinken is hoist on his own petard when he falls hopelessly in love with Alraune himself. Alraune was remade in 1930, with Brigitte Helm repeating her role, and again in 1951, with Hildegarde Knef as the "heroine" and Erich von Stroheim as her misguided mentor.


In a futuristic city sharply divided between the working class and the city planners, the son of the city's mastermind falls in love with a working class prophet who predicts the coming of a savior to mediate their differences.


A mill situated on the border between two unnamed countries and the residents therein become pawns in a future war.


In the Crimea, the Reds and the Whites aren't done fighting, and Jeanne discovers that the man she loves is a Bolshevik (when he kills her father). Penniless, she returns to Paris where she works for her uncle. Soon after, her lover Andreas is in France to organize the sailors in Toulon. So also is a thief, traitor, and libertine, Khalibiev, who wants to seduce Jeanne. His schemes, Jeanne and Andreas's naivete, and a lost diamond bring the lovers to the brink of tragedy.
