Britta Billsten

A feather-light comedy from 1920's Mölle with Nils Poppe and the Gaubier ballet. The play is about a grey aged bachelor who suddenly becomes every woman's dream prince when a rumor starts to circulate that he used to have a relationship with a famous movie star.


The plot takes place on a mansion owned by the new widow Birgitta von Carping (Berit Carlberg). Sten Stensson Steen (Nils Poppe) has rented a room in the manor. He accidentally arrives a month early and the carousel is in full swing.


An Argentine actor comes to Sweden. He has a pictured Sweden as a paradise. From his small rented room he is trying in vain to make contact with the Swedes.


Mania is a new employee at a mental hospital, where she meets a young man with mutism. He gets her to realize that it is a fluid boundary between being healthy and being regarded as sick.


Inga starts working as a trainee at Skå Barnby at Färingsö outside Stockholm. There she gets acquainted with people living nearby. Soon disturbances and conflicts arise between them.

Professor Barring is awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. According to Barring the scientist's sole duty is to seek the truth, even if this leads to the "gates of hell".
