Brock Williams

Jo and Mark are working the "outraged husband" racket when they fall foul of the sinister Kleinie....


A British drama about a girl becoming a woman after she relocates to London. She and her young boyfriend become tempted by one of her older admirers money.


Travel agent Emrys Jones and tourist Patricia Dainton fall in love in sunny Italy. Jones has led Dainton to believe that he's fabulously wealthy, and she has likewise deceived him. When the truth inevitably outs, it hardly matters, since hero and heroine now love each other for themselves rather than their bank accounts.

A young locksmith becomes involved in crime.


With a flu epidemic running rife, three new bumbling recruits are assigned to Inspector Mills police station. With help from Special Constable Gorse, they manage to totally wreck the operations of the police force and let plenty of criminals get away, even before they arrive at the station. They all have to prove themselves or else they'll be out of a job and Sergeant Wilkins will be transferred. Sub-plots include romances between Wilkins and Moon, Constable and Passworthy.


Two con-men just released from prison get straight back to their old tricks.


A gang of thieves led by American Eddy (Reed de Rouen) kill a security guard during a botched safe robbery and flee with his daughter (Leigh Madison) as a hostage. They hide out in a dangerously unstable old warehouse for a couple of days awaiting their getaway ship to sail, but Johnny (Kenneth Cope) falls for the girl - provoking a serious falling-out and a violent conclusion to the disastrous heist.


A British theater actress unable to get out of her contract is assisted by an American playwright when a pair of her scissors is discovered lodged in her producer's back.


Steve and Harry become involved in an art theft. Harry is framed by the crooks, and arrested by the police. Steve has to prove his brother's innocence.


Mr Pastry's social climbing daughter, president of a society for the rehabilitation for ex-convicts, hides the fact that her father is himself a prisoner. When he is released and arrives at her home, she panics and locks him in the attic until a job can be found for him, preferably abroad!


A young woman is framed for the murder of a wealthy man who met his death at the hands of his heirs.


Poor Mr. Murray Selwyn (Guy Middleton)! He's suffering from 'Acute Apprehension Complex' and his doctors have strongly recommended that he avoid any stress or excitement in his life. Unfortunately -- thanks to a chance encounter in a London taxi cab -- he now finds himself at the very centre of an explosive international criminal caper and his life is filled with suitcases full of hot money, desperate gunmen and vanishing bodies! More dangerous still, he's been cared for by the rather ravishing Nurse Brook (Joan Winmill Brown) -- a girl guaranteed to stimulate any red-blooded English gentleman! How much excitement can one man take?


Celebrated crime writer Colin Knowles (Richard Knowles) finds himself at the centre of a baffling real-life mystery when his estranged wife Louie (Sarah Lawson) asks for his help. Her new boss has gone missing at his grand country home -- and when his body is found, the hunt is on for a devious and twisted murderer. Sinister letters from London refer to a 'double crime'. Who will be the killer's next victim?


A rich but disliked elderly man invites his relatives to a family reunion at his home. Once the gathering is complete, he announces enigmatically that he intends to change his will before he dies. Before he can do this, he is murdered. His niece (Gynt), a detective story writer, has to put her theories into practice by solving a real-life murder mystery.


When a beautiful young artist's model is strangled in her bed, Scotland Yard find themselves with three suspects -- her sinister ex-husband (Elwyn Brook-Jones), a sexually disturbed artist (Ballard Berkeley) and her violent new boyfriend (John Bailey), who is prone to unexplained blackouts.To catch the killer, the police must set a dangerous trap with the aid of a famous sculptress (Hy Hazell).


When his grandfather dies, George Westcott (Patrick Doonan) returns home from India to collect his inheritance -- only to find that the will has mysteriously gone missing. As his greedy relatives try to seize the estate, George gets the help of a movie star (Greta Gynt), a window cleaner (James Hayter and a police inspector (Herbert Ross) to track down the missing will. It seems that justice will prevail -- but is George Wescott really George Wescott?


When his best friend is murdered inside a London dancehall, a cab driver and his girlfriend involve themselves in the investigation and discover a major criminal operation hiding behind the club's friendly facade.


Jeckie Farnish is a level-headed young woman, unlike her spoiled younger sister, Rushie. When the sisters become involved with charming businessman Charles Mortimer, the resulting tragedy leads to a lust for revenge on Rushie's part. However, Jeckie knows that she can always turn to reliable Joe Bartle in times of need.


An elderly couple move into an old, supposedly haunted abandoned house. A young girl comes to live with the pair as a companion for the wife. However, soon the girl is possessed by the spirit of another girl, a wealthy woman who had once lived in the house but who had been murdered there.


Candlelight in Algeria is a 1944 British war film directed by George King and starring James Mason, Carla Lehmann and Raymond Lovell. This drama follows the exploits of Eisenhower's top aide, Mark Clark, and other important Allies as they journey to an important meeting held on Algeria's coast. The precise location of this vital secret gathering is upon a piece of film which must not fall into enemy hands


An accountant who has to take a second job working at a racetrack, soon becomes mixed up with a shady crowd.


Frantic farce involving a neglected wife, a stolen diamond and four identical briefcases.


Dick Marlow, a British agent, has parachuted into the occupied Netherlands to retrieve vital documents. Whilst on the trail of the papers, he poses occasionally as an American journalist and a Gestapo officer. He meets and falls in love with a Dutch woman who professes solidarity with the British, but matters become complicated and dangerous when it transpires that the woman's brother is in possession of the documents Dick Marlow needs, and is far less kindly disposed towards the British than his sister – or is she?

While working at a circus, a man hypnotizes a trapezist to kill her partner.


Drama written in flames and told with the staccato of canon-fire!


British agents operate in Paris during the Second World War.


During the Second World War, a special constable and former solicitor is called upon to defend his son who is accused of the theft of a car


A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.


When a neutral Danish merchant ship is forced to put into port after trying to evade British wartime contraband control, its captain becomes involved in a beautiful British Naval Intelligent agent's efforts to capture a group of German spies operating from a London cinema.


The Frictions of a suburban family come to boiling point.


A Film Directed by David MacDonald ....

An eccentric Scotland Yard inspector thinks something beamed from a spy ship is dropping planes.


Jill Trevor vows revenge on newspaper baron Sir Joshua Morple, who she holds responsible for ruining her father. Her very public antics to draw attention to Morple's despicable conduct come to the notice a rival newspaper, who send journalist Jim Brent to offer to write up Jill's story.....

A married couple are mistaken for jewel thieves and forced to go to a party. The husband turns on the burglar alarm by mistake and the real thieves are captured.


When an ex-dancer marries a man for his money she is suprised find he is a real skinflint. She owes a lot of money to a loan-shark who is after her. However, her husband does carry a lot of insurance


'Honeymoon wife learns of husband's past and runs away.' (British Film Catalogue)

Old Mr. Cohen (Paul Graetz) simply walks away from his London department store, leaving his sons to run it.


A young police academy recruit tries to break up a gang of thieves.


Unemployed car salesman Peter is encouraged by his girlfriend Cynthia to approach the head of a petrol company with his plan for making petrol stations more attractive to customers. When the man rejects the idea Peter joins a rival company and becomes a great success.


A headstrong young girl falls completely for a writer of trashy novels, and insinuates herself into his household, all to the chagrin of her erstwhile fiancé.He conspires with the author's wife to show the girl how foolish she's been.


A comedy film directed by Frank Richardson

No overview found.


A condemned man uses hypnotism on a judge. After the man's death, the judge finds himself acting like the condemned man.


Early '30s British drama, starring Heather Angel, about a poor girl who achieves success as a fashion designer.


Black Coffee is a 1931 British detective film directed by Leslie S. Hiscott. Based on the 1930 play Black Coffee by Agatha Christie featuring her famous private detective Hercule Poirot, it stars Austin Trevor as Poirot with Richard Cooper playing his companion Captain Hastings.


A crime film directed by Guy Newall.

A carefree aristocrat becomes involved with a woman suspected of murder, and assists her in proving her innocence.

A romantic comedy film directed by Arthur Varney

An impoverished man Jimmy Perkins is mistaken by a banker for a wealthy man with a similar name...

A comedy film directed by Monty Banks.

A short comedy film directed by Arthur Varney.

A musical drama about two pupils from a provincial music conservatory who elope, marry, and move to London to try their luck. The husband becomes a singer in a nightclub, and is soon targeted by a predatory socialite. They start an affair, the wife finds out about it and decides to leave her husband, until matters are smoothed over by a third-party who wishes the couple well.
