Bronisław Darski

A yeti in transit escapes in Warsaw, and a professor, assisted by a prisoner, go after him.


Mąż swojej żony (English: Husband of His Wife) is a Polish comedy from 1960 directed by Stanisław Bareja. The story of a newly married couple, Michał Karcz (composer) and sprinter Jadwiga Fołtasiówna-Karcz. Michał has to adjust to Jadwiga being much more famous and her fame and needs dominating their lives.


A factory foreman discovers (to his discontent) that his housewife secretly takes driving lessons in order to get a job and send their son to kindergarten.


The first Polish post-war comedy. Witek and Krysia, a married couple, move to Warsaw and have nowhere to stay. They rent a room in a house with many other lodgers. Witek dreams of their own house and draws a sketch of their future home, marking the place where his wife will sleep with the word "treasure". The other lodgers find the draft and a frantic search for the treasure begins.


In occupied Silesia, resistance is organizing. In close contact with the miners and led by an engineer, a group of partisans prepare the sabotage of the steel combine. The going will be tough as the place is closely guarded by the Nazis. But despite a denunciation from a traitor and several violent deaths, they get going and the operation is a success. But the Red Army is approaching and now the coal production must not be sabotaged anymore. On the contrary, the partisans must prevent the Germans from destroying the steel mill and the coal mine...


The story of Polish and Jewish families living side by side in one Warsaw street. Everything changes once and for all with the Nazi invasion.
