Bruce Edwards

A short feature western comprising two episodes of the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series, the episodes being "Lumber Camp Story" (4/21/1952) and "Boy And The Bandit" (5/5/1952).


Whip is surveying land for a railroad but a land baron and one of his daughters stands in the way.


The Pike gang steal $30,000 from the Adams Bank, but one of them double crosses the rest of the gang and hides the money in Fort Dodge, Nevada. As Fort Dodge is out of his jurisdiction, Deputy Sheriff 'Rocky' Lane (Allan Lane) takes a vacation there and finds that everything is owned by 'Skeeter' Davis (Chubby Johnson), who knows nothing about the hidden money. But the Pike gang is also in town looking for the money. When settlers come to town, Rocky devises a plan to catch the outlaws and retrieve the money for the Adams Bank


Monogram's Whip Wilson western series was in its final year of existence when Lawless Cowboys hit the screen. Set in the contemporary West, the film casts Wilson as a Texas Ranger on the trail of a crooked gambling ring.


Powder River Rustlers is a western film directed by Philip Ford in 1949. The railroad is coming and to get the townspeople's money. Shears Williams brings in a fake Agent who tells them they must raise $50,000 as their share of a railroad bridge. Railroad Agent Rocky Lane arrives and immediately spots the fake. A phony telegram assures Rocky his friend is still alive and he sets out to find him and his abductor.


The relationship between Sergeant Stryker and a group of rebellious recruits is made difficult by the Sergeant's tough training tactics. At Tarawa, the leathernecks have a chance to see Stryker in action, and begin to appreciate him.


The female leader of an international crime ring steals a valuable artifact that can give her the power to control men's minds. Federal agents are dispatched to get it back and stop her evil plans.


Joe Hanson, who believes himself to be tolerant of other races and religions, gradually comes to realize that he is prejudiced against many of them.

When Border Patrol Lieutenant Roberts is killed, it appears that his brother Tim was the killer. To clear the Robert's name for his boss, Lieutenant Rocky Lane heads south of the border posing as an outlaw. He hopes to get in with the gang and find Tim who is using an assumed name. As always, Nugget is there to help.


The Daily Clarion hires detective story writer Steve Colt to investigate the deaths of a group of scientists working on an atomic rocket development project. Behind the killings is fortune teller Sombra, a spy from an Asian country intent on world domination, who is determined to pilfer the atomic rocket by luring workers from the project to her parlor and killing them with black widow spider venom when they refuse to cooperate.


Jean Preston is determined to find her fiancée, Greg Jones, who went on a safari and didn’t come back when expected. She travels to Akbar, India with Greg’s father, Colonel Jones, Wayne Monroe and the Professor. She asks about Jones at the front desk of the hotel where she stays.


A treasury agent on the trail of counterfeit money confides to fellow ocean liner passenger, Charlie Chan, that there have been two attempts on his life.


A veteran, Joe Hilton (Warren Douglas), returns from the war to find that his brother Jeffrey Hilton (George Meeker), a gangster, has been killed. His quest for revenge leads him to take over his brother's illegal operations but his sweetheart, Lynn Turner (Ramsay Ames), persuades him to change his ways and return to the straight and narrow.


A shipwreck victim (John Loder) washes up on a homicidal big-game hunter's (Edgar Barrier) Caribbean island.


A carnival showman tries to keep Japanese spies from sabotaging the Panama Canal.


A lonely child, neglected by her parents, encounters and befriends a German shepherd, but she's unaware the animal is a military dog being trained for service in WW2.


The staggeringly wealthy Norah Hunter, a shipyard owner, too often finds herself the romantic target of gold-digging men. To attract a suitor whose main interest is not money, she changes places with her secretary, Sylvia Lockwood, and assumes the role of a young working woman. However, she then falls for recuperating fighter pilot Anthony Travis, who, in turn, is madly in love with Sylvia -- or, perhaps, with the millions he thinks she has.


Pat O'Brien in the role of William 'Frank' Cavanaugh, a top football coach who gave up his career to enter WWI where he became a hero. After the war he went back to coaching where he ended up having one of the best winning percentages in football history.


A documentary/drama about the training of bombardiers during WWII. Major Chick Davis proves to the U.S. Army the superiority of high altitude precision bombing, and establishes a school for bombardiers. Training is followed in semi-documentary style, with personal dramas in subplots. The climax is a spectacular, if somewhat jingoistic, battle sequence.


Imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War, John "Kit" McKittrick is released when a New York City policeman pulls some strings. Upon returning to America, McKittrick hears that a friend has committed suicide, and he begins to smell a rat. During his investigation, McKittrick questions three beautiful women, one of whom has a tie to his refugee past. Pursued by Nazi operatives, McKittrick learns of the death of another friend, and begins to suspect the dark Dr. Skaas.


A small-town blowhard runs for water commissioner while fighting to win custody of his niece and nephew.


After a drunken night out a longshoreman thinks he may have killed a man.


Young man from Kansas goes to New York to work for his tycoon-hero. His superiors won't listen to his ideas about business, but the boss and his daughter do.


Family bickering features young daughter favored by her father and older daughter favored by snobbish mother.


A rookie flyer, Ens. Alan Drake, joins the famous Hellcats Squadron right out of flight school in Pensacola. He doesn't make a great first impression when he is forced to ditch his airplane and parachute to safety when he arrives at the base but is unable to land due to heavy fog. On his first day on the job, his poor shooting skills results in the Hellcats losing an air combat competition. His fellow pilots accept him anyways but they think he's crossed the line when they erroneously conclude that while their CO Billy Gray is away, Drake has an affair with his wife Lorna. Drake is now an outcast and is prepared to resign from the Navy but his extreme heroism in saving Billy Gray's life turns things around.
