Bruce Lambert

A rare Filmark production. This uses over an hour of new footage from the 1983 Thai action film เสือภูพาน ("Tiger Phu Phan") starring Sorapong Chatree and mixes that with some newly shot Hong Kong footage.

The fate of the entire hotel industry is at stake. A group of evil black ninjas have threatened to insinuate themselves into the industry, take over, and transform the operation into something unspeakable. Thank heaven the white ninjas are on hand to save the day. Agnes Chan heads the cast, so we assume she's the "ninja queen." This one isn't a whole lot better than others of its ilk, but at least there's some novelty in the settings.


The Black Ninja Empire want a "confidential blueprint" in the possession of Vietnam vet Robin and will stop at nothing to get it. When Robin's fiancée is murdered, her sister joins the White Ninja Empire and teams up with Robin to wreak bloody vengeance.


In this actioner, one of a pair of imprisoned Vietnam veterans escapes and forms an organization of secret ninjas.


A secret agent, also a ninja, takes on his former master and leader of a crime organisation.


Mr Warren and the Red Sun Ninja Empire are in pursuit of a secret blueprint to increase their power. They dispatch top criminals Brad and Candy on their behalf but haven't reckoned on Ritchie - who has a Titanium/Uranium hand and is bent on revenge - and Blue Ninja Paul, who will stop at nothing to defeat the evil Red Sun.


Thomas [sic] Tang unleashes yet another assault on human sanity with this Z-grade, cut and splice ninja crap-fest featuring drug dealing ninja, CIA operatives and a completely non related story from Thailand. The Thai footage comes from the 1986 action film ตามฆ่า ("Follow the Kill").


A secret mission with the code name Project Daredevil is planned by the notorious Black Ninja Gang.


Another Godfrey Ho Cut And Paste Movie from the legendary Filmark International Ltd.