Bruce Le

In the snow-capped Guandi Temple of Mengjiang County, the deputy commander of the Nanman crusade against the Japanese Kanto Army, Changde, led his subordinates to make a "solace offering" for General Yang Jingyu.

A remake in part of his earlier "comfort women" film (Comfort Women, 1994), which explored the exploitation of various Chinese women forced to provide ‘entertainment’ for the Japanese army during their occupation of China.

Tomi Akiyama and her boyfriend Nakamura are troubled about allegations about a Comfort House in China. Tomi gets into the camp, first as a journalist, but is then captured and sent in as a participant. Nakamura is upset by this particular event, and the situation in general, and takes action. The progress of several other characters is followed, including a kind-of happy hooker, a jovial chubby Japanese woman and a brutal and rude general, laced with stock war footage and historical inter-titles.


The story is a folk-tale, about the spirit daughter of the god of foxes, forced into service to the god of snakes, falling in love with a human scholar/ priest who happens to know a warrior/ priest who is dedicated to destruction of all such spirits.


To survive, Huang, former opium trafficker, engages in illegal karate fights, a discipline which he is the undisputed master. He is contacted by Interpol, who asked him to infiltrate the opium networks of the Golden Triangle. At a secret meeting in Manila, Huang contacts Wei Chen, Hong Kong network leader, who entrusted him with an important mission in Thailand. Hung discovers that then heroin takes on a new road and interpol does not know the new road. Quickly suspected by traffickers, Huang with the force of his fists, engages a death struggle against the drug cartel.


What happens when people are out of ideas and product to sell at the film markets? They put together pieces of several kung-fu films with Bruce Le and call it Bruce's Last Battle! Bruce fights villain after villain as the ever-changing plot never stops in this non-stop madness! Shelved for years by 21st Century Distribution, madman Tom Ward has finally let it loose to make its home video debut!


Ninja Over the Great Wall takes place in the early nineteen-thirties when China was occupied by the Japanese imperial forces. Wa Chi Keung is a peasant who escaped the mass murder of his village by the Japanese. He joins his master in Bejing shortly before the old man's assassination by ninjas.


The plot concerns a unit of US marines operating in the Vietnam war during 1970, with the movie opening on a raid in a village. After massacring the villagers, the marines steal the villages gold, much to the objection of their Vietnamese translator and guide, (Bruce Le). Skip forward past the credits sequence; it's now 15 years later, and members of the unit are getting murdered one by one. This leads to the former head of the group, now a high ranking military officer, announcing that the only person who is up to the job of finding out the identity of the killer is an Aussie, Major Brad Cooper (Richard Norton).


A man from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to prevent the coming nuclear holocaust and enlists the help of a young couple.


Arsenals of round kicks and backfist strikes explode in this stunning tale of intrigue between two gangs. Each opposing group is hopelessly divided on the issue of refugees filtering into their territories. Each gang, crisscrossing through the light and shadows on both sides of the law, succeed in having each other's clubs raided. Finally, devastating fists and razor-edged weaponry collide in spectacular warfare between the two gangs. Starring the incomparable Bruce Lee [sic], in one of the most violent and vengeful roles of his career.


A frustrated Boston detective searches for the maniac responsible for mutilating a number of university coeds.


Reformed criminal and ace martial artist Liang Cheng decides to go straight and settle down with his girlfriend after being released from prison. The gang he used to be part of kidnap the fetching young daughter of an American ambassador. Liang Cheng goes trekking all over the world in search of the lady.


Kim Man-sul who is released from prison after serving time for illegally smuggling and manufacturing methamphetamines turns up missing. Police investigator Pak Geo-ryong infiltrates the headquarters of a cult religious group called Baewon-gyo after learning that their general director, Pak Sang-gyu and Kim were associated. Geo-ryong exposes the secrets of Baewon-gyo with the help of Kyung-ah, the daughter of the high priest. He plans to escape and rescue Wu-ryong whose cover is blown as a cop. Geo-ryong and Wu-ryong are captured after trying to stop the Baewon-gyo from taking over the methamphetamine sweat house. But they make a narrow escape and take over the criminals in a mountain villa.


Bruce Lee has just died, but the BSI is swinging into action to salvage the situation. Aided by the brilliant Professor Lucas, cells from the martial arts master's body are removed and grown into three adult Bruce Lee clones. After undergoing training to bring their skills up to the level of their 'father', the three are sent out to battle crime, with one sent to take on a gold smuggler, and the other two teaming up to shut down an evil mad scientist.


Cops Bruce Le and Carter Wong track a white-gloved call girl killer.


The two fighters of the title clash due to a gang boss playing them off against each other. The boss is hoping to steal a million dollars of the country's money, and when the two fighters realise this they combine forces to defeat the gangster, and his accomplice, a man whom they had both formerly respected.


Two CIA agents, a kung fu master and a suave womanizer, track the stolen formula for a super-sterility drug from Spain to Hong Kong, battling Neo-Nazi terrorists and a Vietnamese spy ring for its possession.


To compete in his friend Peter's martial arts tournament, Jack flies into Manila from Hong Kong and brings along a book of secret Jeet Kune Do techniques that was entrusted to him by the late martial arts legend Bruce Lee. During the competition, Jack witnesses Peter's defeat at the hands and feet of his academy's rival master, Miguel. Peter gets the book from Jack, just as Miguel learns about its existence. Miguel sends his best fighters to seize the book. Instead, they kidnap Jack and Peter's girlfriend Miriam and hold them ransom in exchange for the book. Now, working commando, Peter uses the secrets of the book to free his woman and best friend.


Bruce Le stars as Bruce Lee, a young teenager who is the leader of the Liu City gang, who gets into trouble and street fights every now and again. Bruce is a student in the style of Chinese boxing, but when his skills are not enough to fend off a rival kung fu gang, his father has him go to a man named Master Yen, who teaches him Wing Chun fist. Later, to avenge the death of a friend, Bruce learns the secret art of drunken snake fist boxing!


Bruce returns to Manila to investigate the murder of his sister, Susan Chang. On the night of her attack she was helped by an amateur-boxer, Ramon "Rocky" Roblado. Behind Susan's death is the 'Black Dragon Society', who are searching for a sacred Samurai sword hilt which contains a map leading to a hidden location of one billion in Gold. Upon the discovery that Rocky may have the artefact, the leader of the Black Dragon's orders his men to retrieve it for him at any cost.


In "Treasure of Bruce Le," a Samurai steals the Kung Fu secrets of the Shaolin Buddhists. Now Bruce must fight the powerful Samurai for control.


Sequel to Bruce and Shaolin Kung Fu.


It's approaching World War 2 and China is expecting to be invaded by Germany and Japan. Mr Ang is hired by a Chinese group who are after a "secret document." Many other groups want to get their hands on it as well. It's on the top floor of a tower and Ang must fight his way to the top.


Martial arts Crime drama that see's Bruce Le against Korean gangsters


Bruce Le stars in this South Korean action film that revolves around some stolen microfilm and a mute beggar with questionable fighting and social skills. Bruce’s character, who seems to go unnamed throughout the film, has turned mute as a result of a traumatic childhood and an abusive boyfriend of his mother. He also has taken on the persona of a cat, communicating only in yowls, growls and caterwauling. He is quite taken with a woman whose boyfriend is a secret agent in possession of important microfilm and is on the run from the mafia.


Baek-ho goes to Korea to find his older brother Chung-ryong to continue the lineage of the School of the Jung-mu fighting technique that is being destroyed by the Japanese. Meanwhile, Saburo, the high priest of Yamano Musado, comes from Japan to avenge the death of his brother, Murakami, who died at the hands of Chung-ryong, a master of the School of Jung-mu. In the end, Pak Shi-baek and Baek-ho destroy Saburo's gang.

A classic tribute to a legendary Kung-Fu master. The high-powered action and deadly fistfights don’t let up for a moment. When all the chips are down, the Dragon Master will prevail!


When the insidious Japanese Ninja is corrupting the police force, only one man can take on the cunning enemy from the land of the rising sun! With powerful clashes of Ninjitsu and Chinese kung fu, Ninja vs. Bruce Lee is kick-butt Bruce Le action galore! Cut 'n' paste job courtesy of Joseph Valesco with footage from Return of Bruce, My Name Called Bruce, and Enter the Game of Death.

Bruce takes on the evil kung fu masters! In this action packed adventure, Bruce Lee takes a desperate journey leading to a fortune in gold bullion. On the way, he comes face to face with the evil Vice Lord and the brutal gang members of the dreaded Black Dragon Society. The fists move fast and furious as Bruce challenges these deadly kung fu masters and proves that he is a super hero.


In a village in Northern Manchuria, Min-gyu's Taekwondo training hall faces Sujuki's karate hall. With his defeat at a martial arts match, Sujuki loses his pupils to Min-gyu's Taekwondo hall. With growing hostility, Sujuki hires three masked men, Heuk-chun and Hwang-pyo, and has them kidnap Min-gyu's wife, Suk-hi. They torture Suk-hi forcing her to write a letter to her husband asking him to close the training hall and return to his home country. Heuk-chun and Hwang-pyo received from Sujuki a large sum of money for it. They are about to leave when Min-gyu stops and fights them. Along with Jin-pyung, Min-gyu tears down Sujuki's fighting hall and rescues his wife.


The story is the usual mumbo jumbo about a hidden manuscript with secret techniques And Bruce has to fight a lot of enemies to find it, including a giant masseuse, a gang of midget hitmen and a samurai warrior.


Japanese forces in Shanghai attempt to destroy the patriotic spirit of the Chinese by closing down all Kung Fu gyms. Chang Ling (Bruce Le), a top Chinese Kung Fu practitioner, is forced to flee to Korea. The Japanese forces pursue him there, and so Chang Ling fights back, defeating many Japanese fighters before finally encountering the Japanese commander.


In the last "Big Boss" (AKA "Fists of Fury"), Cheng Chao-On was arrested after killing Hsiao Mi, "The Big Boss." In this unofficial sequel, his brother, Cheng Chao-Chun, visits his brother in Thailand, finds a job at the same ice factory that his brother worked at and avenges the death of their father.


Superfist (1976) starring Bruce Le and directed by Joseph Velasco. Cult classic martial arts revenge.

After malicious gangsters capture Bruce Wong's ex-girlfriend, a young martial artist attempts to rescue her along with the late master's book containing lethal techniques for killing with one's fingers.


The surface of the Earth is under attack, thousands of people are killed in this unprovoked attacked. The cause, Princess Dragonmon and her army of monsters have decided to invade. Princess Dragonmon is an alien whose race has been hiding under us for centuries waiting to attack and the time is right. A doctor has been preparing for something like this and turns his assistant Rayma into the cyborg hero known as Inframan. Now only Inframan stands between the Earth and Princess Dragonmon but when a close friend is captured and brainwashed, can she be stopped with this inside man feeding her info?


The place to be is flat number 8 on the second floor of the Gossip Street apartment building, where all the neighbors gather to gossip. The sitcom turns serious when a local mobster wants to change the place into a gambling den.


Everyone's looking to win the annual Lion Dance trophy, including Huang Fei Hung (Chung Tien Shih). The kindly physician has only 20 students, but when he decides he wants something, he usually gets it. Among his students is "Ghostly Legs" ("ghostly" meaning fast) Ah Chi (Bruce Le, channeling the spirit of Bruce Lee). At one point, the opposition, led by Shen (Shih Kien, who played Han in ENTER THE DRAGON), tries to frame Huang Fei Hung by placing a decomposing corpse in his village hospital. This gives Lu Wei the chance to pretty much steal the show: he's a corrupt cop who's more than willing to look the other way when it comes to The Law- as long as he's being properly compensated. He's more than willing to charge Hung with harboring a criminal (because the dead man was a pickpocket), drug dealing (the man was also an addict) and murder (since the man is now dead).
