Bruna Quintas

To avenge his dead parents, Diogo will have to destroy his lover's mom and face his younger brother. Diogo, a decorated military officer, finds out that Eduarda is responsible for the destruction of his family. He returns to his homeland to take revenge, but falls in love with her daughter, Beatriz, who is married to Tiago, his biological brother.


Red Light is a TV series created by Patrícia Muller & directed by Marco Leão & André Santos about the true story of a group of women from Bragança that in 2003 rebelled against the presence of Brazilian immigrant prostitutes that were having a social and moral impact on the life of this small town.


Romantic Comedy directed by Hugo Diogo, based on a novel by Pedro Paixão.


Threatened by a fascist plot, the Portuguese government recruits several "special people" to stop the coup.


In the same year that war broke in the Portuguese colonies, another conflict was taking place between the most powerful football clubs in the country. The target: a young player from Mozambique named Eusébio da Silva Ferreira...


Reality is much stranger than fiction. There is a scandal that could be revealed and the Portuguese Government is nervous. The Minister of Culture and her team have a crazy idea that, for that reason, can work: to produce, together with Brazil, the biggest and most spectacular telenovela of all time: "Corte Tropical".


A fable with people and furrys about the creative industry and the commercial arts.


A New age remake of a portguese classic, Pátio das Cantigas shows the lives of a neighbourhood in the Old Lisbon, including their desires, happiness and sadness, always with a good humour.


Between February and July 1858, in the Massabielle cave, the Virgin appeared eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous, a miserable little girl from Lourdes. A true revolution in the heart of the Second Empire that shakes the established order by his universal message of love and prayer.
