Bruno Davézé

"Train de vies" crosses a series of characters who, in pairs, confess to each other their innermost desires and their most secret memories.


Summer 1890. In order to make some money to feed his family, Anton Chekhov, modest physician, wrote short stories for newspapers to sign Antosha Tchékhonté. Important characters, writer and editor, just make him aware of his talent. His situation is improving and Anton Chekhov gets the Pushkin prices and admiration of Tolstoy. But when one of his brothers died of tuberculosis, Anton saw it as a personal failure and wants to escape his fame and his love.


The history of the video game, written and directed by Edward Ez Bruno Daveze in the role of the headmaster srtanislawski, which tells the story of the video game in the guise of a teacher giving a lesson to his students. It started on December 4th 2013. The Headmaster stanislawski is the recurring character in the first 17 episode of the series.

Mr Guy aussi populaire que loufoque est un animateur à succès d'une émission de télé-achat. Et comme la nature fait quelques fois bien les choses, Mr Guy se trouve malencontreusement et pour son plus grand plaisir embarqué dans une sombre histoire mêlant les services secrets de la république à un réseau de dangereux trafiquants venus de l'Est.


A ski resort town struggles to become the top tourism spot.


Two divorced fathers Mathias and Antoine, decide to raise their children together in London. Their lives consist of Sophie the pretty florist secretly in love with Antoine, Yvonne who runs the 'bistrot français' and has a very maternal outlook on life and Mac Enzie, the boss of Antoine's agency who is completley in love with Yvonne despite the big age difference.


The shortest thriller of the world in less than 5mn.Découvrez the plot of this revival thrillers of the 40s / The Black 50.L'inspectur it will stop you plush killer?

Schneider is a cop, a real one. A man of integrity that corruption revolts and disgusts compromise, an intractable citizen and respectful of others like himself. Fallible, it is driven by a powerful ambition: to tirelessly fight evil without ignoring the strength and attractions in him as in other ...

Sebastian, a young man, has decided to follow instructions intended for someone else, without knowing where they will take him. Something else he does not know is that Gerard Dorez, a cop on a knife-edge, is tailing him. When he reaches his destination, Sebastian falls into a degenerate, clandestine world of mental chaos behind closed doors in which men gamble on the lives of others men.


He is young, good-looking and of Arab descent – and gets lost amongst the glamour of Paris’ international jet set.


The world seems to fall apart around Claire, a young woman anxious, anxiety attacks and victim aberrations of reality. She will discover that the worst nightmare is to wake up.