Bülent Alkış

The movie Pocket Hercules: Naim Suleymanoglu is about the life experiences of Naim Suleymanoglu, including his youth, weightlifting adventure, the records he broke in a row, his asylum to Turkey due to unfair treatments against his family and cognates, his very first title in the Olympics in Seoul in spite of his illness after arriving in Turkey, an his successful efforts to rescue our cognates by announcing the Bulgarian tyranny to all over the world.


The human tragedy and the suffering of the Crimean Turks who were taken hostage as prisoners of war in German prison camps during World War II.


The story of the film is about the Gallipoli Campaign during World War I on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey in 1915. The film covers the resurrection of Turkey following its defeat in the Balkan War, through depictions of Sergeant Mehmet Ali (Ali Ersan Duru) from Biga, Corporal Seyit and many others. To help Russia and threaten Constantinople, the Allies try to force through the Dardanelles Straight with a large fleet. Through a series of historical sketches, the film documents how they were defeated despite many difficulties and hardships.
