Bum Krüger

A crime movie directed by Rudolf Lubowski.

A comedy directed by Rudolf Lubowski.


Salto Mortale is a German television series.


German miniseries.


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Am grünen Strand der Spree was a five-part German television movie which first aired in 1960. It was based on a novel by Hans Scholz and has been called a Straßenfeger in German, a television program that was watched by so many, the streets were empty. It was produced by German broadcaster Nord- und Westdeutscher Rundfunkverband in Cologne, Germany.


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An enormously wealthy woman returns to her hometown with a dreadful bargain: She wants the townspeople to kill the man who jilted her in exchange for enough money to revitalize the town.


A police commissioner investigates an auto theft ring in Hamburg following the murder of an inspector.


Polish writer/director Aleksander Ford's Eighth Day of the Week takes an astonishing anti-Communist stance--the first of many that would compel Ford to leave his homeland after a general governmental crackdown on personal expression in 1968. Zbigniew Cybulski and Sonja Ziemann play a married couple who fall through the cracks of Red bureaucracy in Warsaw. The film does not endeavor to preach, merely to present a matter-of-fact glance at how little the individual matters when confronted with mountains of red tape. Upon its completion in 1958, the government refused to allow Eighth Day of the Week to be shown in Poland; it would not been seen anywhere until its European release one year later.


A poor 22 years old Hungarian man who's recently arrived in Paris meets a seemingly wealthy 17 years old Parisian girl. They fall in love, but tragedy ensues when the truth behind the girl is revealed.


The 1956 movie based on the theater play by Carl Zuckmayer based on the true story of cobbler Wilhelm Voigt who dressed up as a German military officer and, with the help of unsuspecting soldiers, took over the city hall in Köpenick and confiscated the city's purse.


Otto Dernburg is forced by circumstances to dress up as a middle-aged woman.


Anny arrives in Munich to start a career as an actress, but soon ends up without money and job, sleeping on a park bench. When the police picks her up, she pretends to have amnesia and is taken to the police station. There she's surprised to get presented to her alleged parents. Not knowing yet what kind of game they play, she goes home with them and lets the rich couple coddle her.


Curt Jurgens stars as a courageous Luftwaffe officer. Jurgens loves the service, even though he barely tolerates the Hitler regime. Sickened by wartime Nazi atrocities, Jurgens renounces his government, and is imprisoned and tortured as a result. Once released, the general takes pity on a downtrodden Jewish family. This isolated act of kindness is a point in his favor when Jurgens stands before Satan himself for his final judgment. The Devil's General was based on an immensely successful postwar play by German author Carl Zuckmeyer.


Keller, a painter, while at the ballet is impressed with the beauty of Nicole and sketches her head on the body of a nude model. When it is shown, it causes embarrassment to Nicole's husband, Walter, a diplomat whose career is threatened.


Thomas offers Dorette a trip to Moselle that she rejects saying it's short notice, but when Thomas shows at her apartment the next day he finds she's not slept on her bed. He leaves for Dorette alone, and there he meets Angela.


Jeff Elliot is an American GI investigating a black market gang in Munich.


An apple juice producer can't decide between his wife and his secretary and tries to commit suicide. Being committed to psychiatry, he falls asleep and dreams of adventures as Adam and Eve in heaven and hell.


A screenwriter comes up with a story about an affair between a maid and her employer.
