Buntaro Futagawa

No overview.

The Ryueis and the Tenmokus fight over gold bullion secretly stored away in Osaka Castle. A dramatization of a popular novel - three competing studios also produced their own versions of the story.

This is the story of a samurai who falls on hard times due to misunderstandings and and follows the plots of his enemies.


Kageboshi, based on the screenplay by Rokuhei Rokuhei Susukita, depicts the life of the ‘jovial thief’, Kageboshi.

Nanjo Mikisaburo is a young samurai trying to restore his ruined family to its past glory. Enduring the contempt and disdain of high-ranking samurai, Mikisaburo devotes himself to the way of the warrior, mastering the literary and martial arts. His master Kurahashi Jupeita's daughter Misao feels for Mikisahuro who maintains his pride in the face of the arrogant samurai's scorn.
