C. Everett Koop

Join Marlin Maddoux, host of the nationally syndicated radio news talk program Point of View, for an investigation into the multi-million dollar a year baby parts trafficking industry, which is one of the most lucrative businesses in operation today. Yet most Americans are unaware of its existence. Many have heard about the controversy surrounding fetal tissue research but have no idea how the tissue is obtained. Today, some are claiming that cures for a number of devastating diseases, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes and AIDS, are just around the cornerand that fetal tissue is desperately needed for research. But is it really?

C. Everett Koop, M.D. is a five-part American documentary television series hosted by C. Everett Koop. The series premiered June 4, 1991, on NBC.

Set fifteen years after the original film, The Exorcist III centers around the philosophical Lieutenant William F. Kinderman who is investigating a baffling series of murders around Georgetown that all contain the hallmarks of The Gemini, a deceased serial killer. It eventually leads him to a catatonic patient in a psychiatric hospital who has recently started to speak, claiming he is the The Gemini and detailing the murders, but bears a striking resemblance to Father Damien Karras.


Many people think the religious right arose as a response to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, but that’s not true, it began when religious leaders such as Jerry Falwell and Paul Weyrich arbitrarily chose abortion as an issue which could unite conservative evangelicals and Catholics as a political force. While Catholics believe in the pre-existence of the soul, evangelicals prior to this had embraced family planning and had largely welcomed Roe. Evangelicals had mainly viewed the government with distrust and believed the life of the mother took precedence in any ethical determination without interference from the state. This provocative series of five programs examines the sanctity/holiness of life as a social, moral and spiritual issue in emotive, visual terms that created a political movement.