Cak Lontong

A recently divorced couple, decide to remarry again, partially for business purpose. But, according to matrimony law, they can't marry again unless the woman goes through another marriage first. Knowing this, they intend to get past the rule, by hiring someone to be a contract husband.


Eight secret agent who poses as 8 comics, back in action, to defeat the Casino King, once and for all.


Sequel of Comic 8. Eight agents of stand up comedian have a mission to locate the base of a mysterious gambling underground boss named "The King"


Eight young people from different backgrounds accidentally robb a bank at the same time. Each has different reasons and motives: confusion, hobbies, fun, adrenaline sports, even to support orphanages and the poor. The eight robbers are divided into three teams with different skills and experiences. Robbery which initially began as a coincidence, is besieged by super pretty police women. Eventually they must work together and find the answer to the puzzle and looked for the best solution.
