Calle Carlswärd

The author Carl-Göran Ekerwald has written more than 50 books. At the age of 87, a new chapter in his life begins when he meets the journalist and author Sigrid Kahle. Ekerwald is a man of eductation and lust.

Tjuvarnas jul was the 2011 julkalendern broadcast 1–24 December by Sveriges Television. The plot focuses on a thief named Kurre and his little daughter Charlie. It has a style reminiscent of Charles Dickens' stories.


Jacob has been struggling hard for several years, which has paid off. During a dramatic day, when Jacob's entire life is turned upside down, he is forced to decide whether that price is worth paying.

A young female journalist suddenly finds out that who she believed was her father is not that at all. Her real father is the well-known politician and union boss, who 28 years ago betrayed both her and her mother.

A salesman and his son sexually abuse the generations of women of a poor family as payment for debt. Janni must see his mother, sister, niece and wife all being exploited, and the family grow bigger with the abuser's kids.
