Callisto Cosulich

This short documentary features interviews with film scholar Callisto Cosulich, BICYCLE THIEVES coscreenwriter Suso Cecchi d’Amico, and actor Enzo Staiola. The interviews were conducted in Italy in 2005.

Mario Bava Operazione Paura", hosted by Joe Dante, is an hommage of the Master of the Terror, the italian director Mario Bava


In the near future the two spaceships Argos and Galliot are sent to investigate the mysterious planet Aura. As the Galliot lands on the planet her crew suddenly go berserk and attack each other. The strange event passes, but the crew soon discovers the crashed Argos - and learns that her crew died fighting each other! Investigating further, the explorers come to realize the existence of a race of bodiless aliens that seek to escape from their dying world.
